The Sword in the Stone is set during the Dark Ages of England and tells the story of King Arthur’s childhood. This film introduces audiences of Disney’s animated films to the Sherman Brothers’ eccentric songs with their zany and fun lyrics. Though not the most popular film in the Disney animated canon, The Sword in the Stone features the memorable Wizards’ Duel between Merlin and Mad Madam Mim.
Premiered on: December 25, 1963
Directed by: Wolfgang Reitherman
Produced by: Walt Disney
Based on: The Sword in the Stone written by T.H. White
Sequels: None
Rickie Sorensen, Robert Reitherman, Richard Reitherman – Wart
Karl Swenson – Merlin
Junius Matthews – Archimedes
Sebastian Cabot – Sir Ector / Narrator
Norman Alden – Sir Kay
Martha Wentworth – Madam Mim
Alan Napier – Sir Pellinore
Thurl Ravenscroft – Sir Bart
Jimmy MacDonald – Wolf
Ginny Tyler – Girl Squirrel
Barbara Jo Allen – Scullery Maid
Directing Animators:
Frank Thomas
Milt Kahl
Ollie Johnston
John Lounsbery
Music by:
George Bruns
Richard Sherman
Robert Sherman
“The Sword in the Stone”
“Higitus Figitus”
“That’s What Makes the World Go Round”
“A Most Befuddling Thing”
“The Blue Oak Tree”
“Mad Madam Mim”
Academy Awards: none
The Story:
The film begins with opening credits. The background music is a medley of the scores that will be heard throughout the rest of the film. The background art is of objects related to the King of England such as the sword in the stone, a crown, and a shield.
The narration begins with a classic storybook opening. The narration is sung in a tone of a minstrel and he is telling the legend of the sword in the stone. The King of England died but no new King was declared. A miracle needed to happen and it appeared in the form of the sword in the stone. The narrator stops singing and reads the inscription that was written below the sword’s hilt: “Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise King born of England.”
The narrator continues to say that many tried but none could pull out the sword. So England went without a King and the sword was forgotten. The sword in the stone is shown completely overgrown with thorns. England went through a dark time without law or order. People lived in fear and the strong preyed upon the weak. The scene heads into a dark forest and a wolf is seen eyeing a squirrel. A hawk then appears and tries to snatch up the squirrel but misses. The shot then pans over to Merlin. He is struggling to get water out of a well. He is complaining that it is the age of inconvenience with no plumbing or electricity. He keeps grumbling as he heads into his cottage after finally getting a bucket of water.
Inside his cottage there are many magic potions and spells brewing. He pours water into a kettle to make some tea. Merlin comments that “he” will be here in about half an hour. His owl, Archimedes, would like to know who is coming but Merlin does not actually know. He knows that it is someone of great fate and that he is a small boy of about 11 years of age. Merlin is smoking his pipe and through the smoke, a vision of a boy appears. But this boy is much taller, stronger, and older than the boy Merlin was describing. Merlin thinks that surely this is not the right boy but then another boy appears, struggling to keep up with the other. This boy is much younger and scrawnier. Archimedes asks Merlin where he is guessing the boy currently is. Merlin is defensive that he is not guessing, he knows! The boy is less than a mile from there, just beyond the forest and right on schedule if all goes well.
The shot goes back to the two boys: Wart and Kay. Kay is going hunting and tells Wart to be quiet and reminds the younger boy that he did not want Wart along in the first place. Wart climbs up on a branch behind him and tries to keep quiet. Kay spots a deer and aims his arrow at it. Wart falls out of the branch just as Kay is about to shoot and throws off his aim. Kay is very angry at Wart and so Wart volunteers to go into the dark forest to get the arrow. Kay warns Wart that the woods are filled with wolves but Wart says that he is not afraid and runs into the forest. A scrawny wolf spies Wart running through the forest and tries to get the boy. But every time the wolf tries to bite the boy, Wart is just one step ahead. Wart spies the arrow up a tree and climbs up to get it.
Before Wart can grab the arrow, he falls through the roof of Merlin’s cottage. He lands right in a chair at the table with Merlin and Archimedes. Merlin makes a “dropping in for tea” joke and then comments that Wart is a little bit late. Wart is confused about being late but introduces himself as Arthur, but everyone calls him Wart. He thinks that Archimedes is a stuffed owl and the owl is very insulted and hides in his birdhouse. Wart tries to apologize but Merlin says that Archimedes is too sensitive. Wart asks how Merlin knew that he was going to drop in and Merlin says that it is because he is a wizard! He can see into the future and he has even been to the future. He shows Wart models and blueprints he has made for things like trains and airplanes.
Merlin pours tea into the steam locomotive to show how it works. The train chugs across the table as Wart asks Merlin if he can see everything before it happens! Merlin says yes, everything! Archimedes pops out of his birdhouse to correct the wizard. Merlin admits that he doesn’t quite know everything. He says he knew that someone was coming and when and where, but he did not know who. Merlin asks Wart if he would like some sugar with his tea. The sugar bowl comes to life and starts to give Merlin sugar first. Merlin corrects the sugar bowl to serve guests first and bowl hops across the table to give Wart sugar until the boy says “when”. Merlin then asks Wart if he has had any schooling and the boy says that he is training to be a squire. He is learning skills like horsemanship and jousting. As this entire conversation is happening, the sugar bowl is scooping sugar into Merlin’s teacup and the wizard is not paying any attention. Merlin is upset with Wart because he meant a real education like math, history, English, French, and biology. Merlin finally notices the sugar bowl and screams “WHEN” to get it to stop. The poor sugar bowl runs and hides. Merlin waves his chair to come up to the table and he sits down. He opens up a textbook and declares that he is going to be Wart’s tutor.
Wart mentions that he must be getting back to the castle to work in the kitchen. Merlin says that he will quickly pack so he can come with Wart. The wizard stands on top of a stool and gets the attention of everything in his home to pack up and fit into his bag with the song “Higitus Figitus.” The books are packed first and they shrink down to size to fit everything in. Then the dishes and then the odds and ends are packed. The furniture is packed last. The cottage is then completely emptied when Merlin finishes. Wart is very impressed with his packing!
Merlin, Wart, and Archimedes leave the cottage and Merlin warns Wart not to get any ideas that magic will solve all of his problems. Wart says that he does not have any problems but Merlin informs him that everyone has problems. The world is full of problems and, as if to prove his point, Merlin gets his beard stuck in the door. The wolf appears again and follows the group. He again tries to bite Wart but keeps missing and getting into more trouble than Wart is worth by falling down cliffs and being chased by boulders. Merlin takes off and Wart struggles to keep up. Merlin says that they will have school eight hours a day: six hours for teaching and two hours for studying but Wart is concerned that the studying will interfere with his page duties. They reach the top of a tall hill and Merlin is going on and on about finding the right direction in life. Then suddenly he asks Wart which way his castle is anyway. Wart says that it is North, in the other direction. So Merlin takes off again. The wolf, who is heavily panting, finally makes it to the top of the hill, only to see that Wart and Merlin are back at the bottom again. The wolf faints from exhaustion.
The next scene is of the castle at nighttime. The shot zooms in on a light on in a window. Sir Ector is very worried about where Wart might be. He is angry at his son, Kay, for letting the boy go out into the forest alone. Kay does not care much about the situation and is happily eating his dinner. Sir Ector talks about himself as Wart’s foster father and that he is responsible for the boy. Wart suddenly appears in the castle and his dogs are quite excited to see the boy. They run up and lick his face. Merlin then walks in. Sir Ector gives Wart four demerits which equals to four extra hours of kitchen duties. Then he asks Merlin and Archimedes who they are. Merlin introduces Archimedes as a highly educated owl and Ector laughs. He keeps calling Merlin “Marvin” and insists that the wizard just has the owl under a spell. He calls Merlin a magician and Merlin corrects him that he is actually the world’s most powerful wizard. Ector still laughs at Merlin so the wizard decides to prove to Ector just how powerful he is by causing a “wizard blizzard.” Ector is very impressed with how Merlin could cause it to snow inside in July and is convinced. He does make sure that Merlin is not using black magic though. Merlin says no and that his magic is only for educational purposes and that is why he is there, to educate Wart. Ector is not impressed with Merlin’s proposal and says that no one will mess up his castle’s schedule. He tells Merlin that the wizard needs to go and Merlin disappears but says that he is not actually gone so Ector can never be sure if the wizard is ever really gone. Ector gives in and says Merlin is welcome to stay. They can only offer room and board and Merlin can stay in the Northwest tower guest room. He mentions that it is drafty in winter but it is the best room in the house in the hot summer weather. Merlin climbs up to the decrepit tower.
In the next scene, it is raining very hard. Merlin has to pop up umbrellas and set up buckets of water to stop all of the leaks in the “unwelcome guest room.” Merlin tells Archimedes that he is going to stick it out and that Sir Ector cannot get rid of them! Archimedes wants to go back home but Merlin says that Wart needs an education for his future.
A horn blows and Sir Pellinore arrives and announces that he has big news from London! He insists that they drop the drawbridge, which shakes the entire Northwest Tower. Merlin overhears that there is big news and he comments that he cannot wait until the London Times is published and that it is only 1200 years until the first edition. Merlin wants Archimedes to fly down there to find out what the big news is. Archimedes initially refuses but Merlin threatens to turn him into a human if he does not do as Merlin says.
Inside the main hall of the castle, Sir Ector warmly welcomes Sir Pellinore. He offers him a seat at the dining table where Wart is collecting the dirty dishes. The news is that there is going to be a jousting tournament on New Year’s Day. Ector says that is not news because it happens every year. Sir Pellinore goes on to say that this time, the winner will be crowned King. Ector wants Kay to win that tournament! He tells Kay that he needs to concentrate on his training and be knighted by Christmas and then it is off to London. Kay thinks “why not?” Sir Ector tells Wart that if the boy sticks to his duties, he can go to London as well as Kay’s squire. Wart is so excited that he falls down the stairs and drops all of the dirty dishes. Kay does not want Wart to be his squire but Ector ignores his son. Archimedes overhears the entire conversation.
The next morning at sunrise, Ector yells “Charge!” They have dived right into Kay’s training but Kay is not a very good jouster and flies off his horse. The fall shakes the Northwest tower and wakes up Merlin and Archimedes. Merlin cannot remember where they are or what they are doing there. Archimedes is trying to remind him but Merlin overhears Ector yell at Kay “Can’t you remember one blasted thing?” Merlin is upset because he thinks Ector is talking to him but then he realizes that Ector is not and starts to watch out the window.
Both Kay and his horse have black eyes and Sir Pellinore is also there giving Kay advice. Merlin thinks that the whole thing is silly but Archimedes reminds him that Wart is just as excited as the rest of them. Wart is getting the jousting dummy ready and Merlin notices his drive and excitement. He thinks that Wart has many good qualities but that he needs to be pointed in the right direction. Archimedes does not think the wizard can change Wart’s mind but Merlin says that he plans on cheating and will use magic to win Wart over.
In the next scene, Merlin and Wart are down by the castle’s moat. Wart is talking about how he would do anything to be up on a horse, battling dragons, griffins, and giants. But then he tells Merlin that he is an orphan and only those of proper birth can become a knight. His only hope is to become Kay’s squire. Merlin says that he is able to make himself into a fish and Wart asks if Merlin can turn him into a fish as well. Merlin says that Wart needs to imagine himself as a fish and the magic will do the rest. But Merlin cannot remember what the fish spell is and a sleepy Archimedes reminds the wizard what it is before returning to his nap. Merlin tells Wart that the owl is grumpy when he stays out all night and Wart comments that he must stay out every night.
Merlin turns Wart into a fish but struggles to actually get him into the water. When he finally does, it takes Wart a moment to figure out his fins. Merlin appears as a fish to help out. He teases Wart that he thought he would be able to take off right away and explains that he must use his brain and that he needs to build up his fish instinct. Merlin teaches Wart how to swim to the song “That’s What Makes the World Go Round.” Wart swallows a bug by instinct and is surprised but Merlin thinks that is a good thing that he is building up his fish instinct. Wart starts to sing along as well until a barracuda comes! The big fish chases Wart and Merlin tries stops the fish by biting his tail. Wart wants Merlin to use his magic to do more but Merlin says that Wart needs to use his head and learn how to outsmart the bigger fish. Wart is the brain and the barracuda is the brawn. Wart gets the big fish’s snout caught in a chain but then the fish escapes. Wart then grabs an arrow off of the bottom of the moat’s floor and uses it to prop open the fish’s mouth. Merlin is so proud and says that he will now finish the job but he cannot remember the magic words. Archimedes wakes up from his nap and goes to help out. He is not very helpful at first but finally catches Wart and brings him out of the water. Merlin appears out of the moat as a human and turns Wart back into a human as well. The wizard is proud of Archimedes for saving the boy. But Archimedes denies this and says that he was actually going to eat him. Wart then hears Sir Ector calling him and leaves to go to the castle.
Back at the castle, Wart tells Ector and Kay about his adventures as a fish, but they do not believe his fish story. Ector gives him three demerits for being late and another three for the fish story. Wart is sent to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Wart is washing dishes and singing “That’s What Makes the World Go Round.” Merlin appears and asks Wart if he has ever considered being a squirrel. Merlin continues to go on about how the squirrel is a small creature with enormous problems and Merlin wonders what a mystery it is that squirrels have survived throughout the ages. Merlin then asks Wart if he would like to try being a squirrel but Wart answers no. The wizard thinks that it is because being a squirrel is too dangerous and Wart explains that it is actually because he has six demerits. Merlin says that they must modernize how to do the dishes and he starts an assembly line. The wizard stands on a stool again and sings a reprise of “Higitus Figitus.” The dishes start to wash themselves but Wart says that he is supposed to do the dishes by himself. Merlin thinks that no one will know once the work is done and he gets Wart to sneak out while the dishes are still cleaning up.
In the forest, Merlin and Wart are squirrels. Merlin is yelling at Wart to slow down and reminds the boy that he must not always trust luck. He teaches Wart how to leap from tree to tree and teaches him about gravity. But it turns out that Wart is better at leaping than Merlin. A girl squirrel appears and gives Wart googly eyes. She is very excited and will not let Wart go so Wart and Merlin backtrack. The girl follows and is very flirty. Wart is confused and wants nothing to do with her but Merlin leaves Wart on his own to get out of the mess. Wart tries to explain that he is not an actual squirrel. Merlin sings “A Most Befuddling Thing” as the girl squirrel chases Wart around the trees. The wolf appears again. Wart is trying to escape from the girl but ends up bothering Archimedes and a woodpecker. Suddenly another female squirrel appears and falls in love with Merlin, who is very unimpressed. Merlin and Wart decide that they have had enough of being squirrels because it is nothing but trouble. Wart falls down and is almost eaten by the wolf but the girl squirrel saves him by biting the wolf’s leg, which causes the wolf to chase her and fall into the river below.
Merlin changes himself back into a human and scares away the other female squirrel. Then Merlin changes Wart back into a human as well and the poor girl squirrel is heartbroken. Merlin says that love is a powerful thing and Wart asks if it is greater than gravity and Merlin says yes, it is the greatest force on earth.
The next scene is back at the castle’s kitchen. The scullery maid sees the enchanted dishes and goes running and screaming to Sir Ector. Ector is busy training Kay and the maid screams that the kitchen is under an evil spell. Ector thinks that it is Merlin just giving them trouble. He runs down into the kitchen and decides that it must be black magic! Kay joins and the two start to fight with the dishes and mops and brooms. Merlin and Wart arrive in the kitchen and Merlin yells “Alacazam!” Everything stops. Ector and the maid yell at Merlin for casting an evil spell and Merlin just disappears. Kay wants to run him out of the castle but Ector is scared that Merlin might run an evil spell over them. Wart then stands up for Merlin and says that he is not evil and just because Ector does not understand does not mean Merlin is wrong. Ector gives Wart three more demerits for talking back but then ups it to ten when Wart does not stop talking. Finally, Ector demotes him from squire and says that a squire named Hobbs will be going to London instead.
In the next scene, poor Wart is all alone in the messy kitchen. Merlin appears and tells Wart that he is sorry about everything but Wart only blames himself. Merlin tells Wart that he still needs an education and that things can only get better from there. Wart reluctantly agrees to an education.
They start the education the next day. Merlin says that they must get all of the medieval ideas out of Wart’s head. As an example, Merlin shows Wart a map of a flat earth and a round globe. He tells Wart that the new world will be discovered in 1492. People will also find that the world is a tiny speck in the universe. Archimedes just thinks that Merlin is confusing the boy by teaching history in reverse. Merlin is so annoyed that he stubbornly makes Archimedes in charge. The owl starts off by telling Wart to read all of the books beside him. It is literally a mountain of knowledge! But Wart admits that he cannot read and Archimedes is shocked and then teaches him the alphabet. Archimedes is not a very patient teacher. Merlin asks the owl if he has seen the flying machine model and Wart points it out. Archimedes thinks that if man were to fly, they would have been born with wings. Merlin is determined to prove otherwise and winds up the airplane model, but his beard gets stuck in the propeller and the airplane crashing down into the moat. Archimedes laughs and laughs. Merlin is very insistent that Man will learn to fly and Wart is very excited about the idea. Merlin sneakily turns him into a bird, and Wart is very happy to be a bird. Merlin starts to teach Wart about the mechanics of a bird’s wing but Archimedes is not impressed with Merlin’s tactics. The owl thinks that he should teach Wart because he is a bird himself. Archimedes describes flying as an art form, as poetry in motion. They start with a glide and they glide through the sky. Archimedes thinks that Wart is a natural but then a hawk suddenly appears.
Wart escapes into the forest and lands on top of a chimney on a cottage. The hawk appears again and he escapes down the chimney. He is covered in soot and starts to cough. Madam Mim is sitting at her table playing cards. She thinks that the sound of Wart’s cough is lovely because it sounds like someone is sick. She hopes that it is something dreadful, but is not happy that it turns out just to be a sparrow with a beak full of soot. Wart tells her that he is actually a boy and that Merlin changed him with his magic and that Merlin is the world’s most powerful wizard. Madam Mim is not impressed with this. She disagrees and thinks that she is more powerful. She starts to sing “Mad Madam Mim” and uses the song to show off her powers and her black magic. Archimedes finds them and flies away terrified. Madam Mim asks Wart who he now thinks is the greatest and Wart still thinks Merlin is because he uses his magic to help others. Madam Mim is angry at this and is going to destroy him. She tells Wart that she is mad about games and she will give him a fighting chance. Mim turns into a cat and chases Wart around the cottage. She catches Wart but Merlin appears just in time. Mim says that they were just playing a game but Wart says that she was going to destroy him! Madam Mim then challenges Merlin to a Wizards’ Duel. They head outside into the forest.
Archimedes appears and explains to Wart what a Wizards’ Duel is. They use their powers to change into something that will destroy the other wizard. Madam Mim declares that she is going to make the rules. Her rules are:
- No mineral or vegetable. Only animal.
- No make-believe things such as pink dragons.
- No disappearing.
And then Merlin pops in with rule #4. No cheating.
Merlin and Madam Mim turn back to back and count out ten paces. Mim disappears first thing and Wart warns Merlin that she has cheated. Mim reappears as a crocodile and Merlin snaps back as a snapping turtle. Merlin then changes into a rabbit and hops away. Mim changes into a fox and chases Merlin. Merlin then becomes a caterpillar and “disappears.” When Mim finds the tiny insect, she changes into a chicken to peck him. Merlin then changes into a walrus and squishes her. Mim changes into an elephant and then Merlin changes into a mouse to scare away elephant Mim. She then changes into a tiger and chases the mouse. Merlin then goes to bite Mim, who then turns into a rattlesnake. Merlin then changes into a crab in an effort to pinch the snake. But then Mim changes into a rhinoceros and charges to smash the crab. Merlin turns into a goat and tries to ram Mim. But then Mim turns into a dragon and breaths fire at Merlin! She thinks she has won when Merlin disappears. But Merlin has actually changed into a germ and Mim has caught the sickness. First she will break out into spots and then she will experience hot and cold flashes. And then she will have violent sneezing. All of these symptoms happen to Mim and she throws a fit at being tricked.
The next scene shows a very sick and spotty Mad Madam Mim in bed. Merlin tells her that she will be just fine in a few weeks after lots of rest and lots of sunshine. Mim throws a fit about hating the sunshine as Merlin leaves. Wart tells Merlin how great he was at the wizards’ duel. He tells Merlin that he could have been killed but Merlin says that it was worth it if Wart learnt something. He says “knowledge and wisdom is the real power.”
Back at the castle, it is winter and heavily snowing. Sir Ector, Sir Pellinore, and Kay are singing “The Blue Oak Tree.” They are toasting their victory in London as Kay is now a knight. Ector hopes that Sir Kay will be the future King of England. The scullery maid appears and says that Hobbs has come down with the mumps and so Ector tells Wart that he is going to London to be Kay’s squire. An excited Wart runs up to Merlin’s tower to tell him that he is now a squire. Merlin makes fun of his squire’s outfit and tells Wart that he thought the boy was going to amount to something. Wart thinks that he is lucky to be Kay’s squire. Merlin is so mad that he suddenly takes off to Bermuda! Wart asks where Bermuda is and Archimedes says that it is an island way off that hasn’t be discovered yet.
In snowy London, the jousting tournament is beginning. Wart realizes that he has forgotten Kay’s sword! He takes off back to the inn to retrieve it but the inn is closed. Archimedes points out the sword in the stone and Wart pulls out the sword. There is magic in the air when he does. Wart brings the sword back to Kay and Ector notices the inscription. Ector realizes that it is the famous sword in the stone! The tournament comes to a stop. Everyone is excited that someone has pulled the sword out from the stone but they laugh when they realize it was Wart! Ector demands that Wart tells the truth about where he got the sword from but Wart insists that he is being truthful. Ector makes Wart prove that he pulled it from the stone.
Everyone heads over to the anvil and Ector puts the sword back in the stone. Kay insists that anyone can now pull the sword out once it has already been pulled and he pushes Wart aside to try. Kay is unable to pull the sword from the stone. Ector tries to help his son and other people grab the sword as well, but they are not able to pull out the sword. Sir Pellinore says to give Wart a chance and the boy easily pulls the sword out. The people start to chant “Hail King Arthur! Long live the King!” Everyone bows down to their King, including Ector and Kay.
The narrator says that the miracle has passed and the glorious reign of King Arthur has begun. In the throne room, poor King Arthur is looking timid and sad in his too big crown and robe. He decides that he is going to run away. Archimedes encourages him to do so and tells him to go out the side door. Arthur tries but is met with the shouts of “Hail King Arthur!” He tries the other door but it is the same thing. Arthur wishes that Merlin was there and suddenly Merlin appears in quite the tropical outfit. He is back from Bermuda and from the 20th century. Archimedes and Arthur explain what has happened and Merlin exclaims “Or course! King Arthur and his knights of the round table!” Arthur is confused by this and Merlin just says that he is going to become a great legend. Merlin sits the boy back on the throne.
- Malignalitaloptereosis is the name of the germ Merlin changes into during the Wizards’ Duel.
- Merlin was based after Walt Disney, though Walt did not know it at the time. The have similar personalities and Merlin was given Walt’s nose.
- Wart’s dogs are named Tiger and Talbot.
- This is the first Disney animated film to have a single director.
- The story by Bill Peet was written as an actual screenplay for the film. This differs from most animated films where the story is done by storyboards instead.
- The roof of Madam Mim’s cottage looks like a witch’s hat.
- Walt wasn’t completely onboard with making The Sword in the Stone until after he saw Camelot on Broadway, which sparked his interest in the Arthurian Legend. This is also where he met Julie Andrews, who went on to star in Disney’s Mary Poppins one year later.
- Despite being considered the villain of the film, Mad Madam Mim does not appear until one hour into The Sword in the Stone. The film is only one hour and twenty minutes long.
Representation in the Disney Parks:
In Fantasyland at Disneyland there is the King Arthur Carrousel. The Sword in the Stone is only referenced in the name of this carrousel as it is actually more themed towards Sleeping Beauty.
An actual sword in the stone can be found in every Fantasyland around the world. Merlin is also a rare walk around character.
Check out the other films of Disney’s Silver Age:
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