I am so excited to have reached The Little Mermaid! This is my all-time favourite Disney Film. The Little Mermaid marks the beginning of the Disney Renaissance Era. During this time, Disney moved back towards producing musical fairy tales and many of these films are regarded as some of Disney’s best work.
Premiered on: November 13, 1989 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City
Directed by:
Ron Clements
John Musker
Produced by:
John Musker
Howard Ashman
Based on: The Little Mermaid written by Hans Christian Anderson
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (2000)
The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginnings (2008)
Jodi Benson – Ariel
Christopher Daniel Barnes – Prince Eric
Pat Carroll – Ursula
Samuel E. Wright – Sebastian
Jason Marin – Flounder
Buddy Hackett – Scuttle
Kenneth Mars – King Triton
Ben Wright – Grimsby
Frank Welker – Max
Paddi Edwards – Flotsam / Jetsam
Edie McClurg – Carlotta
René Auberjonois – Chef Louis
Will Ryan –Seahorse
Kimmy Robertson – Ariel’s Sisters
Directing Animators:
Ruben A. Aquino
Andreas Deja
Russ Edmonds
Mark Henn
Glen Keane
Duncan Marjoribanks
Music by:
Howard Ashman
Alan Menken
“Fathoms Below”
“Daughters of Triton”
“Part of your World”
“Under the Sea”
“Les Poissons”
“Kiss the Girl”
Academy Awards:
Best Score
Best Song – “Under the Sea”
Best Song – “Kiss the Girl” (nomination)
The Story:
The Little Mermaid begins with a scene of a cloudy sky with gulls flying by. They soar over the water where dolphins are jumping and playing. Suddenly a ship breaks through the mist on the water. The sailors onboard are singing “Fathoms Below” as Prince Eric draws a sail and a mermaid figurehead is revealed on the ship. His dog Max is beside him and Eric is talking about how great of a day it is to be at sea. Grimsby, Eric’s caretaker and confidant, is nearby and disagrees because he is very seasick. Another sailor comments that with such great weather, King Triton must be in a friendly mood. Eric questions who King Triton is and another sailor says that every good sailor should know about King Triton because he is the ruler of the merpeople and ruler of the sea! Grimsby tells Eric not to listen to such nonsense but then one of the sailors gets defensive and insists that it is not nonsense, but the truth! As he is making his point, the fish he is holding slips out of his hands and back into the sea.
The fish dives deep into the sea and breathes a sigh of relief before swimming on his way. The opening credits begin and are played against scenes of different fish and merpeople swimming. They are all heading towards King Triton’s castle. They swim inside and take a seat in a great hall.
A seahorse enters and introduces King Triton. The king arrives on his shell chariot, which is being pulled by dolphins. He lights up the room with his trident. The seahorse then introduces Sebastian and the crab arrives in his own small seashell chariot being pulled by angelfish. King Triton tells Sebastian that he is really looking forward to the concert, especially because it is his daughter Ariel’s musical debut! Sebastian agrees but then as he leaves, the crab thinks to himself that Ariel should have showed up for her rehearsals once in a while.
Sebastian takes his conductor’s stand and starts the concert. A bubble curtain rises and large seashells open. Triton’s daughters pop out of the shells and start to sing “Daughters of Triton,” which introduces themselves. The last shell, where Ariel is supposed to be, opens and the young princess is not there! King Triton is very angry with his daughter for missing the concert.
The next scene shows Ariel out exploring sunken ships with her fish friend Flounder. Ariel spies a ship that she was wanting to explore, but Flounder is hesitant so Ariel tells the fish that he can stay there and watch out for sharks. Flounder does not want to do that either so he goes inside the ship with Ariel. A shark ominously swims by the ship without either of them noticing.
Inside, Flounder is very jumpy and screams at a skeleton they find. Ariel is calm about it, but very excited when she finds a fork. She also finds a pipe. Suddenly the shark bursts into the ship and chases the pair around. Flounder is loudly screaming the entire time. They are able to escape through a porthole, but cannot get away from the shark. Flounder then knocks himself out in the chase and starts to sink down into the sea. Ariel swims after Flounder and saves him just in time as the shark catches up. The shark then gets his head stuck in an anchor and Flounder calls him a bully. Ariel and Flounder swim away from the shark and towards the surface of the ocean.
Up on the surface, Scuttle the gull is sitting on a rock and playing with a telescope. He hears Ariel call his name and looks down the wrong end of the telescope and thinks that Ariel and Flounder are far away. But then he puts the telescope down and they are right there at his rock. Ariel excitedly shows Scuttle the human stuff that they found. She first pulls out the fork and Scuttle tells her it is called a dinglehopper and is used to brush hair. He demonstrates and fluffs up all of his feathers in the process. Flounder then asks about the pipe and Scuttle calls it a snarfblatt. He tells them that it dates back to prehistorical times when humans used to sit around and scare each other all day. It got very boring so they invented the snarfblatt to play music. He tries to demonstrate but it is clogged up with seaweed so he just chokes. The word music makes Ariel think of the concert and she starts to panic at forgetting about it. Ariel and Flounder take off.
Ursula the sea witch is watching Ariel and Flounder through a magic portal. This magic portal has been made by the eyes of her minion eels Flotsam and Jetsam. She sarcastically tells the princess to hurry home because she shouldn’t keep King Triton waiting. Ursula then complains to herself about how she used to live in the palace but has now been banished. She complains that she is wasting away and is starving, all the while eating live shrimp. She tells Flotsam and Jetsam to keep a close eye on Ariel because the mermaid may be the key to Triton’s undoing.
Flounder is outside of King Triton’s throne room and he is listening to the King yell at Ariel for missing the concert. Sebastian is also there and is very upset with the princess. Flounder cannot take it anymore so he goes in to the throne room to defend Ariel, but Flounder makes it far worse when he mentions that they talked to Scuttle because Triton then knows that they went to the surface. King Triton is very angry now and Ariel swims away because she is so upset. Flounder takes off after her. Triton and Sebastian talk about what to do about Ariel and Sebastian finds himself with a new babysitting job after suggesting that Ariel needs constant supervision.
Sebastian is grumbling to himself about having to look after a teenager when he spies Ariel and Flounder sneaking away from the palace. He wonders what they are up to and follows. He follows them to a grotto which is closed off by a heavy rock. Ariel pushes aside the rock to go in and Sebastian makes it inside just in time as the rock closes shut. He is astonished to find a large collection of human stuff! Ariel is staring at her new dinglehopper and puts it in a candle holder with a knife and a spoon. She complains about her father to Flounder and talks about how interested she is in the human world. Ariel starts to sing “Part of your World” as she swims around her grotto. Sebastian is watching the entire time, but suddenly at the end of the song, he falls and makes a loud crash as he tumbles onto a bunch of human stuff. Sebastian tells Ariel that he is going to take her home and tell her father and Ariel and Flounder bed him not to. Suddenly it starts to get very dark and Ariel knows that something is happening on the surface.
Ariel swims up to the surface to find a ship having a party. There is music playing and fireworks in the air. She peeks through the side of the deck and sees the sailors dancing and playing different instruments. Max the dog is very excited and jumping around and barking. He catches Ariel’s scent and gives her a big lick on the face. But no one else spots the mermaid. Eric calls Max over and this is the first time that Ariel sees the prince. She is instantly in love with him. Scuttle appears and Ariel tells him that she thinks the human is very handsome. Scuttle thinks that he is too hairy and slobbery but Ariel points him to Eric and says that she is talking about the one playing the snarfblatt.
During the party, Grimsby gets everyone’s attention and presents Eric with a statue of the prince himself for his birthday. Eric is not very impressed with the statue but still thanks Grimsby. The older man hints that the statue was supposed to be a wedding present and Eric assures him that when he meets the right girl, he will know. It will hit him like lightning! And as soon as he says that, lightning strikes in the distance.
The sailors realize that a hurricane is coming and they start to secure the ship. They all work very fast in the pouring rain. The wind starts to pick up and it blows Scuttle away. Lightning strikes the ship and the ship catches fire. Many sailors get thrown overboard, including Eric and Grimsby, but they make it to a lifeboat. Poor Max is stuck on the boat and Eric goes back to save his dog. He is able to get Max off the ship but his own foot gets stuck in a hole in the deck. The ship blows up and Eric is lost in the sea. Ariel searches the flotsam and jetsam for the prince. She finds him and brings him to shore.
The next morning, Eric is lying on the beach unconscious. Ariel is right beside him. Scuttle appears and asks if Eric is dead; the gull lifts up Eric’s foot but cannot make out a heartbeat. But then Eric starts to breathe and Ariel sings to him a reprise of “Part of your World.” Eric opens his eyes and just makes out Ariel’s face but then she is interrupted by Grimsby and Max looking for the prince. Ariel dives back into the ocean. Eric is sure that a beautiful girl saved him but Grimsby is very doubtful of his story and brings him home. Max does smell Ariel and excitedly barks at the waves, but he is called home by Grimsby as well. Sebastian and Flounder have witnessed the whole thing and Sebastian makes a big deal about how no one is to tell the sea king! Ariel sings again in the ocean and lifts herself up onto a rock as the waves crash behind her.
Flotsam and Jetsam have been spying on Ariel again and Ursula thinks that if Ariel is falling in love with a human prince, this will work perfectly in her favour! She thinks that Ariel will make a charming addition to her little garden and she looks at the cursed mermaids that are now attached to the floor of Ursula’s lair in the form of a polyp.
Ariel and her sisters are getting ready in their bathroom and Ariel keeps humming and singing to herself. Her sisters are suspicious about her behaviour. As Ariel swims off, King Triton appears and she gives her father a flower. Attina comments that Ariel has it bad and Triton asks what Ariel has. Andrina explains that Ariel is in love.
Sebastian is still stressing about the situation as Ariel daydreams about Prince Eric. She wants to see him again and starts to scheme a plan, but Sebastian interrupts her and says that down in the sea is her home! He sings “Under the Sea” as a way to convince Ariel to forget about the human world and many other fish join in. Near the end of the song, Flounder appears and whispers something in Ariel’s ear. The two swim off.
Sebastian finishes the song to find that Ariel has disappeared. He thinks that someone should nail that girl’s fins to the floor! Suddenly the seahorse appears and urgently says that the sea king is looking for Sebastian to talk about Ariel. Sebastian thinks that King Triton must know about Ariel saving a human!
In King Triton’s throne room, Triton is very happy thinking about who the lucky merman that Ariel is in love with could be. Sebastian arrives and is very nervous to talk to the King. King Triton starts to ask questions about Ariel being in love and Sebastian blurts out everything! Only then to realize that King Triton did not know anything about the human prince.
In Ariel’s grotto, Flounder has a surprise for the princess. He has somehow brought the statue of Prince Eric into the grotto. Ariel is delightfully happy about it and starts to flirt with the statue, pretending it is Eric. Suddenly she sees King Triton hiding in the shadows. He is very angry with her and destroys her entire collection of human stuff with his trident. He even destroys the Prince Eric statue! Ariel starts to cry and King Triton leaves, with one small look of regret. Sebastian and Flounder try to comfort the little mermaid but she tells them to go away and so she is all alone.
Flotsam and Jetsam appear and feign sympathy towards Ariel. The eels say that there is someone who can help her, someone who can make all her dreams come true. They tell Ariel to just imagine her and her prince together, forever, because Ursula has great powers. But Ariel knows that Ursula is the sea witch and does not want anything to do with her. So Flotsam and Jetsam leave but as they do, one of them flicks the face of the Eric statue at Ariel. Ariel changes her mind.
Ariel leaves with Flotsam and Jetsam, and Flounder and Sebastian see this and try to stop her. But Ariel just sarcastically tells them to go tell her father. Sebastian and Flounder decide to try to help Ariel themselves and they follow.
At Ursula’s lair, her garden of cursed merpeople try to stop Ariel from entering. Ariel does not know that they are actually trying to warn her and she continues into the lair. Ursula is putting on her makeup and tells Ariel that she knows that the princess is there because of a human. She tells Ariel that the solution to her problem is simple; Ariel must become a human herself. Ursula starts to sing “Poor Unfortunate Souls” and she explains her deal. Ariel will become a human for three days and in that time, she must get Prince Eric to give her the kiss of true love. If Ariel fails, she will belong to Ursula. Ariel agrees and signs a contract. Ursula makes a potion and takes Ariel’s voice in exchange and turns Ariel into a human. Once Ariel loses her fin, she tries desperately to swim to the top of the surface, but needs help from Flounder and Sebastian.
At Eric’s castle, the prince is playing a tune of Ariel’s song on his recorder. He tells Max that he cannot get that voice out of his head and wonders where this girl could be.
The scene pans down the beach to where Ariel is sitting in the shallow water. Sebastian and Flounder are nearby. She is checking out her new legs and feet when Scuttle appears. He lands on her leg and is trying to figure out what is different about her. Finally Sebastian yells that she has legs! Sebastian is ready to go back to Ursula and get Ariel her fins back but Ariel shakes her head at the crab to beg him not to. Sebastian then realizes that if she is a mermaid again, Ariel will just be miserable for the rest of her life. They all decide that she needs to dress like a human and so Scuttle suggests using a sail to make a dress. Once the dress is made, Sebastian is in the pocket to keep an eye on Ariel. Max then catches her scent and starts to bark and chase Ariel around the beach. Ariel climbs up on a rock to escape when Eric appears. He thinks that she looks familiar and asks if she is the one he has been looking for! But when he realizes that she cannot speak, he thinks that Ariel could not be the one that saved him. Ariel tries to convince him with hand signals, but ends up falling off the rock and Eric catches her. He thinks that she must have been through an awful shipwreck and decides to help her out.
Inside the castle, Ariel is having a bubble bath. Carlotta the maid offers to wash her sail dress for her. The maids are all gossiping about Ariel and they think that if Eric is looking for a girl, there are some highly available ones there. Sebastian is still in the pocket of the sail and accidently gets washed and pressed before escaping into the kitchen. The kitchen is filled with dead fish and Sebastian is terrified, especially after seeing the dead crabs! He faints right there on the spot.
In the dining room, Grimsby is again trying to convince Eric that nice young ladies don’t just swim around rescuing people, but Eric is convinced that she was real and that he is going to find her. Ariel then appears in the dining room, dressed in a beautiful gown. Eric and Grimsby both dote on her. At the table, Ariel starts to brush her hair with the fork, but realizes her mistake after some strange looks and she puts it down. Grimsby then lights his pipe and Ariel wants to try it, thinking it makes music. She blows into the pipe and ends up covering Grimsby with soot. Eric laughs at this and Carlotta says that is the first time she has seen him smile in months. Grimsby then asks what is for dinner and Carlotta says that Chef Louis has been fixing his specialty, stuffed crab!
In the kitchen, Chef Louis is singing “Les Poissons” while Sebastian is cowering and trying to escape. Chef Louis finds Sebastian and thinks that he is a dead crab that he missed for dinner. The chef tries to throw Sebastian into the boiling pot of water, but Sebastian manages to escape. Louis is very confused about this and picks up the crab. Sebastian pinches the chef’s nose and a chaotic chase scene ensues. Carlotta comes in and yells at Chef Louis for destroying the kitchen and takes the trays away.
In the dining room, Carlotta places a tray of crab in front of each person. Grimsby suggests to Eric to take Ariel on a tour of his kingdom. As the discuss the details, Ariel notices that Sebastian is on Grimsby’s plate so Ariel opens up her tray and lets Sebastian hide there.
That night, Ariel is watching Eric from her bedroom window. He is playing with Max and he looks up at her. Ariel is embarrassed that she is caught and heads to bed. She brushes her hair with a fork before going to sleep. Sebastian is complaining about how humiliating his day was. He starts to make a plan on how to get Eric to kiss Ariel, but the princess has already fallen asleep. Sebastian blows out the candle beside the bed and sleeps on her pillow.
Back under the sea, the seahorse is telling King Triton that there is still no trace of Ariel or Sebastian. King Triton tells him to keep looking; no one sleeps until they are safe at home. King Triton then blames himself for everything.
The next morning in a horse drawn carriage, Eric and Ariel take off to tour the kingdom. Flounder swims in the moats beside the roads and asks Sebastian if Eric has kissed Ariel yet. Sebastian informs the fish that Eric has not. Eric and Ariel explore the kingdom and watch and puppet show and dance together on the cobblestone streets. Then Scuttle appears and asks Flounder if there has been any kissing yet. Flounder tells the gull that there hasn’t. Back in the carriage, Eric lets Ariel drive and they go zooming off and jump over a gorge. But Ariel turns out to be fine at driving the carriage and they take off on a peaceful ride.
That evening, Ariel and Eric are in a row boat floating in a blue lagoon. Sebastian, Scuttle, and Flounder are spying on them and are concerned that they have not kissed yet. So Scuttle decides that he is going to sing some romantic music to inspire the mood. But he turns out to be awful at singing. So Sebastian is going to take over and he leads the animals and plants around the lagoon in the song “Kiss the Girl.” During the song, Eric tries to guess Ariel’s name. He guesses Rachel and Diana, and then Sebastian whispers that her name is Ariel and so Eric guesses correctly. At the end of the song, the couple almost kiss but then Flotsam and Jetsam tip over their boat to stop the kiss.
Ursula sees this through her magic portal and thinks that it was too close. Ursula decides to take matters into her own tentacles and she turns herself into a human and takes Ariel’s voice for herself.
That night at the castle, Eric is still playing his recorder. Grimsby appears and tells the prince that far better than any dreams girl is one of real flesh and blood; one who is warm and caring and right before his eyes. Grimsby points at Ariel up in her bedroom window before leaving. Eric sighs and then throws his recorder into the ocean. He is about to go inside and give up on the girl who rescued him when he hears her voice. Ursula is walking along the beach as Vanessa the human and the voice puts a spell over Eric.
The next morning, Scuttle wakes Ariel and Sebastian up. He says that they whole kingdom is talking about how Prince Eris is getting married! They think that Eric must have decided to marry Ariel and so she excitedly runs downstairs, only to find Grimsby congratulating Vanessa and Eric. Eric says that they wish to be married as soon as possible, that afternoon on the wedding ship. Ariel is heartbroken and she runs back up to her room.
In the next scene, the wedding ship departs and Ariel stays behind on the deck. She starts to cry and Flounder and Sebastian are with her, both very sad as well.
Scuttle is flying by the wedding ship when he hears singing from inside. He goes to check it out and he sees that Vanessa is singing to herself and that she sounds like Ariel! When Vanessa looks in the mirror, Ursula’s reflection looks back! Vanessa is singing about her evil plan. Scuttle then flies back to tell Ariel what has happened. Sebastian makes a plan for Scuttle to stall the wedding while Ariel tries to swim over there with Flounder’s help. Sebastian himself is going to go get King Triton’s help. Scuttle takes off and gathers all of the nearby animals for help stalling the wedding. Many different birds, dolphins, and seals follow the gull to help.
On the ship, Vanessa and Eric are walking down the aisle. Max growls at her and she kicks him aside. Flounder is struggling to help Ariel to the ship, but they are on their way! The ceremony starts as the sun starts to go down. Scuttle then appears with the animals and they attack the wedding! The priest just keeps going on with his sermon throughout the chaos. Vanessa’s necklace, which holds Ariel’s voice, is pulled off her neck by Scuttle and it goes flying. The necklace lands and breaks right in front of Ariel as she climbs onto the ship. This breaks the spell and Ariel can talk again. Eric now knows that Ariel is the one. They are about to kiss but the sun disappears and it is too late. Ariel turns back into a mermaid and Vanessa turns back into Ursula.
Ursula grabs Ariel and they dive back down into the water. King Triton appears and tells Ursula to stop! Ursula points out eh contract that she had with Ariel and King Triton tries to destroy it with his powerful trident but he is unable to. Ursula tells the king that she is willing to trade Ariel for King Triton. She starts to turn Ariel into a curse mermaid polyp but then King Triton switches his name for Ariel’s on the contract and he is instantly turned into a polyp instead. Ursula takes the crown and trident from him.
Eric is rowing out into the sea to save Ariel. He shoots Ursula in the side of her arm with a harpoon. She is about to strike him with the trident but Ariel throws off her aim and so she accidently destroys Flotsam and Jetsam instead. Ariel and Eric are reunited on the surface of the ocean, but then an angry Ursula goes very large and separates the couple with her large crown as she rises out of the water. Ursula makes a dangerous storm with large waves and lightning. She even raises some sunken ships in the process of making large whirlpools. She tries to zap Ariel with the trident but keeps missing. Eric climbs onto one of the sunken ships and steers it right towards Ursula. He rams it right into her and kills the sea witch.
After the battle, Eric makes it to the shore. The trident falls down into the ocean and all of Ursula’s spells break. Everyone is free and have turned back into merpeople, even King Triton.
King Triton then sees Ariel watching Eric from a rock in the ocean. The king talks to Sebastian about how his daughter must really love the prince and so he turns her back into a human. In a sparkly dress, Ariel walks onto the shore and surprises Eric. They kiss and the kiss turns into their wedding.
On the wedding ship, Ariel and Eric are married! The mermaids all watch and wave from the ocean. Scuttle brings Flounder up to say goodbye to Ariel. Sebastian is on the wedding cake, but when Chef Louis sees the crab, he attacks Sebastian with knives. Sebastian runs away and snaps a rope that brings down a beam. The beam smacks Chef Louis in the face and breaks his teeth. Sebastian then dives into the ocean and escapes.
King Triton rises up on the waves so he can say goodbye to Ariel. They hug goodbye and then Eric and Triton bow to each other. Everyone waves goodbye and a chorus sings a reprise of “Part of your World.” King Triton creates a rainbow over the ship with his trident and the scene ends with Princess Ariel and Prince Eric kissing.
The end credits roll to the songs “Under the Sea” and “Part of your World.”
- There was a The Little Mermaid television show which ran from 1992 – 1994.
- Though the seahorse does not have an official name given by Disney, he is sometimes referred to as Harold the Seahorse Herald.
- In the Once Upon a Time Episode “Poor Unfortunate Soul”, a young Ursula sings “Fathoms Below.”
- Sebastian’s full name is Horatio Thelonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian.
- The Little Mermaid received four Golden Globe nominations and won Best Score and Best Song – “Under the Sea.”
- Ariel’s sisters are named: Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella, and Alana. Their fins all are different colours and make up the colours of the rainbow.
- The Little Mermaid was the first animated film to use live action references since The Silver Age. Actress Kathryn Beaumont was brought in as a consultant to help the animation team. She was the live action model for both Alice and Wendy as well as their voices in Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan respectively.
- The live action models for Ariel and Eric were Sherri Stoner and Joshua Finkel.
- The original script had a character named Harold the merman. His scene was to show what happened to the merpeople when they did not fulfill their contracts with Ursula. The scene also showed how Ursula always got her way because the contract was fixed in her favour. The scene was cut because the film was getting too long.
- Jodi Benson and Howard Ashman previously worked together when she starred in his Broadway show Smile.
- “Part of your World” was almost cut from the film. During a screening, a child spilled his popcorn and was very preoccupied in cleaning it up. Jeffery Katzenberg, then Chairman of Walt Disney Studios, interpreted this as the song being very boring for children and wanted it to be cut. Glen Keane and Howard Ashman fought Jeffery Katzenberg and were eventually able to change his mind. It remains one of Disney’s most well-known songs to this day.
- Walt Disney was originally working on his own The Little Mermaid film in the early 1940s. It was going to be part of a package film that consisted of all Hans Christian Anderson stories. The 1941 animators strike put a halt this idea.
- The Little Mermaid show ran on Broadway from January 2008 to August 2009.
- Ron Clements and John Musker wanted every bubble to be hand drawn and not Xeroxed. Most of these bubbles were animated at Pacific Rim Productions in Beijing, China.
- A large portrait of Prince Philip and Aurora can be seen in the dining room in Prince Eric’s castle.
- The King and Grand Duke from Cinderella are guests at the wedding of Eric and Vanessa and can be seen in the crowd.
- The opening fanfare when Sebastian is introduced at the concert was played by Alan Menken on a kazoo.
Representation in the Disney Parks:
The Little Mermaid has strong representation in Disney Parks around the world.
In Disney California Adventure, there is The Little Mermaid ~ Ariel’s Undersea Adventure dark ride. Though recently closed, there was also the Ariel’s Grotto restaurant and King Triton Carousel also in Disney California Adventure. Over at Disneyland, one of the boats from Storybook Land Canal Boats is named Ariel.
The same dark ride is at the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World, though here it is called Under the Sea ~ Journey of The Little Mermaid. At Disney’s Hollywood Studios, there is a 17 minute show called Voyage of The Little Mermaid. At Disney’s Art of Animation Resort, there is a The Little Mermaid themed section with three buildings all filled with Ariel themed standard rooms.
At Tokyo DisneySea, there is an entire The Little Mermaid themed land called Mermaid Lagoon.
The Voyage to the Crystal Grotto attraction at Shanghai Disneyland has a scene of The Little Mermaid.
Ariel is a very popular meet and greet character. She is often at Disney Princess character dining locations as well.
Characters from The Little Mermaid are part of Fantasmic!
Check out the other films of Disney’s Renaissance:
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