We interrupt our weekly Disney Trivia posts to announce that this blog has received a Liebster Award! The Liebster Award is an online award from bloggers for bloggers. It is a way to promote and support new blogs. I was nominated by www.gadgetsinfotech.com: a technology blog that specializes in offering assistance and information about gadgets and blogging. Thank you very much for the nomination!
The rules of the Liebster Award are:
– Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
– Answer the questions they asked in their nomination post
– Post the Liebster Award on your blog
– Nominate 5 – 10 other new bloggers and ask them your set of questions
– Leave a comment on their blog letting them know you have nominated them
Questions from Gadgets InfoTech:
Q. What is your first experience with blogging?
A. This is my first real attempt at blogging (and I am loving it so far!) but my very first experience was a silly blog called Double Trouble I made with my best friend in high school. We probably wrote about 3 – 4 posts before moving on to the next fad.
Q. Where is your favourite motivational quote for working?
A. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing” ~ Walt Disney
Q. What is your ultimate GOAL?
A. My ultimate goal is to connect with Disney fans through my blog. I love learning the history behind the company and sharing it with others who also find it interesting. I have also received so many great tips from other blogs on how to plan the best Disney Parks vacation that I wanted to share my own knowledge for anyone planning a trip.
Q. What is your mantra for Success?
A. Drink more tea!
Q. Your happiest moment with blogging?
A. I am pretty excited about my next post coming up; it is fascinating learning about Walt Disney’s life.
The Blogs I am nominating are:
1) thehappyfoodkitchen.com: A food blog with healthy and creative recipes. Do not read while hungry! I look forward to trying out many of the featured dishes!
2) www.disneynerdtips.com: A Walt Disney World blog which offers tips and info about planning a WDW vacation. This blog is super helpful and is definitely an up and coming blog in the Disney niche.
3) www.somtoseeks.com: A travel blog which posts about destinations all over the world. This blog is a joy to read with all the bright and colourful photos.
4) www.kellyluvs.com: A photography, travel, and lifestyle blog. Beautiful writing and beautiful photos!
5) castlepartyblog.com: I love the title of this Disney lifestyle and travel blog! It is a collaboration of many fantastic writers and I look forward to their future posts.
6) thebohemiannation.com: A lifestyle blog filled with many pretty things: DIY, recipes, advice. This blog is captivating and I could spend hours looking through everything.
7) disneyadulting.com: Everything Disney! For Adults! My kind of blog! This blog is definitely going places!
8) www.tinytribetravel.com: A family travel blog focusing on seeing the world with children in tow. A very fun Instagram account to follow as well!
9) www.theglobediaryblog.com: A travel and lifestyle blog with posts on a variety of locations. This blog will make you want to book a trip to any of the featured destinations.
And my questions for you are:
1) What made you want to start your blog?
2) What inspires you daily?
3) What is your favourite hobby (when not blogging)?
4) Where is the number one place you would like to visit in the world?
5) Where is a place that you have already been but would go back in a heartbeat?
6) What is your favourite Disney Parks attraction?
Thank you for taking the time to pass along the Liebster Award!
Happy Blogging!
Not sure if its ok for me to reply, but here goes:
nd my questions for you are:
1) What made you want to start your blog?
I had alot of information in my head (and in my notes) about Disney park travels. Some acquaintances and friends of friends I kept meeting were going to Disney parks and I kept typing out my information via email to them when I thought I should just put this on a web page and then send them the link. Thus the blog http://www.themeparktravelguide.blogspot.com.au was born. I am very organised, money savvy, and plan well for things so I think this information gathered from multiple sources helps others.
2) What inspires you daily?
The comments I receive about the blog!
3) What is your favourite hobby (when not blogging)?
Gardening (I am trying to create a mini tropical paradise) and I read alot (very eclectic tastes)
4) Where is the number one place you would like to visit in the world?
Never been: Machu Pichu
5) Where is a place that you have already been but would go back in a heartbeat?
Disneyland (and Hawaii!)
6) What is your favourite Disney Parks attraction?
Indiana Jones Ride Disneyland
Thank you for taking the time to pass along the Liebster Award!
I loved reading your answers! Thank you! I checked out your blog and really enjoyed your posts about Singapore, I was there about a year ago and loved it.