*All posts in the Star Wars Canon series contain minor spoilers
7 weeks until Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
“The Empire falls and the holos are all abuzz with chatter about the man who blew up the second Death Star. Who is this dashing mystery man? This rogue gambler turned baron administrator turned hero of the Rebellion?” –Kaasha Bateen about Lando Calrissian, Star Wars: Last Shot
Star Wars: Last Shot is about Han Solo and Lando Calrissian on a mission to stop a mysterious transmitter from creating a killer droid army.
Written by: Daniel José Older (author of From a Certain Point of View short story)
Published: April 17, 2018
When does Last Shot take place?
The majority of the story takes place after Return on the Jedi in 7 ABY, but backstories of Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and the villain, Fyzen Gor take place starting around 13 BBY.
The past has caught up to Lando Calrissian when he is threatened by criminal Fyzen Gor’s assassins. Gor knows that someone piloting the Millennium Falcon years ago tried to capture his transmitter which could create a killer droid army. Lando, sure Gor must mean his buddy Han, drags Han Solo on a mission across the galaxy to stop the transmitter once and for all.
Star Wars: Last Shot is a riot. This book was so much fun to read and was a nice break after the intensity of the Aftermath trilogy. In addition to Most Wanted, it was published to tie in with Solo: A Star Wars Story. I loved Han and Lando’s adventures together in Last Shot and the book also introduced some great new characters to the Star Wars galaxy.
The rest of Han and Lando’s team is such a motley crew that it automatically makes for an entertaining adventure. My favourite new character was Peekpa, the Ewok slicer and tech genius who owes Chewbacca a lifetime of fuzzy snuggles for saving her sister during the Battle of Endor. There is also Aro N’cookaala the Gungan who gets very offended by any “Meesa” Gungan stereotypes. He even calls Han “buddy” and “bro.” These are the types of characters in Last Shot and I love them.
Last Shot is written in a unique way. There are four different timelines woven throughout the book and it does make it a bit confusing to keep up with. The criminal who created the transmitter, Fyzen Gor, has his backstory as well as two separate Millennium Falcon adventures. One that takes place before Solo: A Story Wars Story with Lando and L3-37, and one that takes place after the movie with Han and Chewie. The main storyline takes place during the present and is the adventure Han and Lando go on together.
However, the timelines don’t actually add up, and this is just me being a total Star Wars nerd, but it really bothered me. Solo: A Star Wars Story takes place around 10 BBY, but when Lando and L3 have the Falcon in Last Shot, it is in 8 BBY, two years later. Since Lando loses the Falcon (and L3, ahh spoilers, sorry) in Solo, this timeline doesn’t line up. That was pretty much the only flaw with this book and I highly doubt anyone else noticed it.
I would recommend Star Wars: Last Shot for anyone wanting more Han and Lando adventures or for anyone looking to read a more lighthearted Star Wars novel.
Next week: Bloodline
Complete list of Star Wars Canon novels
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