*All posts in the Star Wars Canon series contain minor spoilers
14 weeks until Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
“Iden was, as far as she knew, the sole survivor out of over a million victims of this act of rebel terrorism. She had to survive, of only to honor those who hadn’t.” –Star Wars: Battlefront II: Inferno Squad
Star Wars: Battlefront II: Inferno Squad is about the special ops team brought together by Admiral Versio to defeat the group of freedom fighters known as the Dreamers.
Written by: Christie Golden (author of Dark Disciple and From a Certain Point of View short story)
Published: July 25, 2017
When does Battlefront II: Inferno Squad take place?
Between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.
Or more specifically: 0 BBY which is immediately after A New Hope.
After the destruction of the Death Star, Admiral Garrick Versio brings together the best of the best to form the Inferno Squad. Their mission is to track down the partisan freedom fighters, who now call themselves the Dreamers, which was once led by Saw Gerrera. Led by his daughter Captain Iden Versio, the Inferno Squad infiltrates the partisans in hopes of destroying the Dreamers from the inside.
Normally I am Team Rebel Alliance, but I loved this book and enjoyed reading a story featuring Imperials as the protagonists. Battlefront II: Inferno Squad is one of my new favourite Star Wars books.
The majority of the story takes place with the four members of Inferno Squad being undercover at the partisans’ base. They are trying to figure out which freedom fighter is the informant who has knowledge of where and when to strike the Imperials. I enjoyed this mystery aspect of the story, trying to gather up clues alongside the characters of who the informant might be. I also really liked all four members of the team: Iden Versio, Del Meeko, Gideon Hask, and Seyn Marana. They were all very different from each other and each brought something unique to the story.
I have to say that the book is actually quite a bit tamer than the front cover suggests. Yes, there is still lots of action, but there is no epic, fiery battle with flags burning and missiles flying like on the cover. I was a little disappointed.
I would recommend Battlefront II: Inferno Squad to anyone who is a fan of the Imperials or of the Battlefront video games as this story is a prequel to Battlefront II.
Next week: Heir to the Jedi
Complete list of Star Wars Canon novels
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