May the Fourth be with you!
Today is not only Star Wars Day; it’s also the series finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars! To celebrate, here are 20 fun facts about the show that spanned the timeline between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.
For more Star Wars fun facts, check out this previous May the Fourth post.
- Typically in shows and movies, the good guys move across the screen from left to right and the bad guys move from right to left. In The Clone Wars, the Republic army tends to move from right to left to foreshadow the downfall of the Republic and becoming the Imperial army.
- Dave Filoni, supervising director of The Clone Wars, says his favourite Jedi is Plo Koon.
- Ahsoka Tano’s mannerisms were modeled after Princess Leia’s.
- Dee Bradley Baker has voiced hundreds of animated characters including all of the clone troopers in The Clone Wars. Other voices of his include Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb, Daffy Duck from Space Jam, and Figaro the cat from the Mickey Mouse cartoons.
- After the show’s original cancellation, and before it was brought back to Disney+, an already-written eight-episode story arc was turned into a novel. Dark Disciple follows the journey of Asajj Ventress and Jedi Quinlan Vos as they attempt to assassinate Count Dooku.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars is the second animated show about this timeline after Star Wars: Clone Wars in 2003. This 2D show ran for three seasons with the first two seasons having episodes running only a few minutes long. The third season had fifteen minutes episodes.
- The Clone Wars began with a theatrical film of the same name. It premiered at the Grauman’s Egyptian Theatre on August 10, 2008. Originally the plot of the film was going to be used as a four-episode story arc titled: “The New Padawan,” “Castle of Deception,” “Castle of Doom,” and “Castle of Salvation.”
- The four-episode story arc surrounding the young Padawans from the beginning of season five was intended to be aired separately from The Clone Wars as a feature-length pilot for a spin-off series that never materialized. I would love to see this show became a reality because the story features one of my favourite Jedi, Byph!
- In the episode “Sacrifice” (season six, episode thirteen), Darth Bane is voiced by Mark Hamil.
- Anakin has a podracing poster featuring Quadinaros and Sebulba in his room in the Jedi temple. In Rebels, Ezra has a similar poster in his cabin aboard the Ghost.
- Ashley Eckstein originally auditioned for Padmé but was told she sounded too young. However, this made her perfect for Ahsoka.
- The final story arc of the last season takes place simultaneously with the events of Revenge of the Sith.
- The opening logo for the Darth Maul story arc in season four was red instead of the usual yellow. Similarly, the R2-D2 story arc in season five featured a blue logo.
- “The Wrong Jedi,” the season finale of season five, fades out to black with Ahsoka’s theme instead of the usual iris out and main Clone Wars
- Asajj Ventress was originally going to be Darth Sidious’s apprentice in Attack of the Clones but Count Dooku was created instead. She was brought back for The Clone Wars.
- Both the film and the series were created as if they were live-action. Instead of storyboarding, the team used cutting and editing techniques.
- Dave Filoni voiced many characters including: CH-33P “Cheep,” Embo, Spots Podal, and Jakoli.
- Katie Lucas, George Lucas’s daughter, wrote many of The Clone Wars episodes, including the story arc that inspired Dark Disciple.
- The Clone Wars had three different original networks. Seasons one to five were released on Cartoon Network, season six was released on Netflix, and season seven was released on Disney+.
- And finally, not so much a fun fact but a very sweet fact: A pink astromech droid named R2-KT, who appears in a few episodes, has a very touching behind-the-scenes story. In 1997, the 501st Legion, a fan-based Imperial costuming organization which does a lot of charitable work, was formed. In 2004, the founder’s daughter, Katie, was diagnosed with brain cancer and she wished she had a droid to watch over her like how R2-D2 watched over Padmé while she slept in Attack of the Clones. The R2 Builders Club heard her wish and built an astromech for Katie, painted it her favourite colour, pink, and named it R2-KT. After Katie sadly passed away, R2-KT started traveling the world to bring a message of joy and hope for both Star Wars fans and sick children. Not only did R2-KT make appearances in The Clone Wars, but the droid also had a cameo in The Force Awakens.
Which of these Clone Wars fun facts was your favourite? Do you have a favourite fact that wasn’t listed? Who is your favourite Clone Wars character?
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