Beauty and the Beast made animation history at the 1992 Oscars when it became the very first animated film to ever be nominated for Best Picture. Since then, only two other animated films have been nominated, Up and Toy Story 3. Beauty and the Beast is considered to be one of Disney’s very best and it is the number one favourite Disney film of many fans. The Story section of this Beauty and the Beast post is based on the original theatrical version and does not include the song “Human Again.” Please see the Trivia section for more details.
Premiered on: November 10, 1991 at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California
Directed by:
Gary Trousdale
Kirk Wise
Produced by: Don Hahn
Based on: Beauty and the Beast written by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997)
Belle’s Magical World (1998)
Paige O’Hara – Belle
Robby Benson – Beast
Richard White – Gaston
Jerry Orbach – Lumiere
David Ogden Stiers – Cogsworth / Narrator
Angela Lansbury – Mrs. Potts
Bradley Pierce – Chip
Rex Everhart – Maurice
Jesse Corti – LeFou
Hal Smith – Phillippe
Mary Kay Bergman / Kath Soucie – Bimbettes
Tony Jay – Monsieur D’Arque
Jo Anne Worley – The Wardrobe
Kimmy Robertson – The Featherduster
Frank Welker – The Footstool
Supervising Animators:
James Baxter
Mark Henn
Glen Keane
Andreas Deja
Nik Ranieri
Will Finn
David Pruiksma
Ruben A. Aquino
Chris Wahl
Russ Edmonds
Music by:
Howard Ashman
Alan Menken
“Be Our Guest”
“Something There”
“Beauty and the Beast”
“The Mob Song”
Academy Awards:
Best Score
Best Song – “Beauty and the Beast”
Best Song – “Belle” (nomination)
Best Song – “Be Our Guest” (nomination)
Best Sound (nomination)
Best Picture (nomination)
The Story:
Beauty and the Beast opens with a beautiful forest and a castle in the background. The scene zooms closer to the castle as a narrator begins the story. His story is depicted as stain glass windows. He tells a story about a prince who lived in that castle who had everything that his heart desired but he was very selfish and unkind. One night, a beggar woman came to the castle and asked the prince for shelter from the bitter cold in exchange for a single rose. The prince was repulsed by her ugliness and so he turned her away. The woman warned him not to be deceived by outward appearances because beauty can be found within, but the prince dismissed her again. Then the old woman’s ugliness melted away and she became a beautiful enchantress. The prince tried to apologize to her but it was too late and so she transformed him into a Beast and put a spell on the entire castle and all who lived there. The stain glass pictures end with this scene and the story continues as the Beast roams his castle. He rips a portrait of himself as the prince with his claws. The narrator explains that the Beast is now locked inside the castle with only a magic mirror as his way to look at the outside world. The single rose that the beggar woman had offered was an enchanted rose and would bloom until the Beast’s 21st year. The spell would be broken if he learnt to love and be loved in return by then. If not, he would be a Beast forever and the spell could never be broken. The years went past and the Beast fell into despair. He gave up hope on anyone loving him.
The title card is shown.
One morning at her cottage, Belle heads out of the door with a basket. She heads into town and starts to sing “Belle.” The town is just waking up and everyone is very busy going about their day. Many of the residents are gossiping with each other as Belle goes by about how strange she is and they join in the singing. Belle goes into a bookshop to return a book she borrowed. She asks the owner if there is anything new and he replies “not since yesterday.” She instead she borrows her favourite book and so the bookshop owner lets her keep it, much to her delight. Belle sits by a fountain and reads the book to passing sheep. The part that she is reading is when the heroine meets Prince Charming, but she won’t discover that it’s him till chapter 3.
The hunter Gaston shoots a goose out of the air. His sidekick LaFou compliments Gaston about his kill and says that no beast will stand a chance against him, or any girl for that matter. Gaston then points out Belle and says that she is the one he is going to marry because she is the most beautiful girl in town! He chases after Belle through the town after Belle as the Bimbette triplets swoon and fawn over him as he goes by.
After the song has ended, Gaston catches up with Belle and snatches her book from her. He tells her to get her head out of the books and pay attention to more important things such as himself. He throws the book into the mud and Belle picks it up and cleans if off. Gaston asks Belle to come look at his trophies and she suggests some other time. The Bimbettes overhear and think that Belle is crazy for not wanting Gaston. Belle then tells Gaston that she needs to go home to help her father and Gaston and LaFou start laughing because they think that Belle’s father, Maurice, is insane. But Belle is defensive of her father and so Gaston is defensive about her father as well to LaFou to try and win Belle over. Suddenly there is an explosion from Belle’s cottage and she runs home to make sure that her father is alright.
Belle goes down into the cellar of the cottage and there is smoke everywhere. Her father, Maurice the inventor, is alright but is frustrated that his invention is not working. Belle is very encouraging and assures him that he will get it to work and will win first prize at the fair the next day and become a world famous inventor. Her encouragement works and Maurice gets back to work and Belle helps him out. He asks her if she had a good day in town and Belle admits that she thinks people find her odd. Maurice does not believe it but Belle says that there is no one she can really talk to there. Maurice asks what about Gaston because he is a handsome fellow. Belle agrees but also thinks that he is rude and conceded and not for her. The invention, which is supposed to chop firewood, suddenly starts working and Belle and Maurice are very excited about it! So Maurice takes off for the fair right away with Phillippe the horse and the wood chopper in the wagon.
Maurice travels down a country road. It becomes dusk and Maurice and Phillippe are lost in the forest. Maurice convinces Phillippe to take what he thinks is a shortcut but the horse is very nervous about it. Darkness comes and Phillippe becomes spooked by bats and runs away. Maurice gets thrown from his horse and wolves appear from the woods. The wolves chase Maurice and he falls down a hill and lands right in front of the castle’s gates. He barely makes it through the gates in time to escape the wolves. Maurice then walks up to the front door of the castle and bangs on the door. The door opens by itself and Maurice enters. He calls out for anyone but there is no answer. But there is someone whispering that maybe the man got lost in the woods and another voice tells the first voice to keep quiet and maybe the man will go away.
Lumiere, the first voice, says loudly that the Maurice is welcome there. Maurice picks up Lumiere the candelabra for better light to find who was speaking, not realizing that the voice belongs to the candelabra. But when Maurice figures it out, he thinks that it is incredible. Cogsworth the clock then tries to get Lumiere to stop talking and Maurice then picks up Cogsworth to see how this is possible. Maurice annoys Cogsworth by winding up his gears and playing with his pendulum. Cogsworth is very insulted and Maurice begs his pardon but as he starts to say that he has never seen a talking clock before, he sneezes. Lumiere takes pity on Maurice and the cold he has seemed to have caught and tells the man that he should come and warm up by the fire. Lumiere leads him into the next room and seats Maurice in the master’s chair, with Cogsworth protesting the entire time. The Footstool comes running in, barking like a dog. Maurice is thankful to put his feet up. Next the Coat Tree wraps a blanket around Maurice and then Mrs. Potts appears with her teacart and gives Maurice some tea. Chip the teacup starts laughing when Maurice drinks because his moustache tickles.
Suddenly the Beast bursts in. The fire and lights go out and everyone shakes in fear. Lumiere and Cogsworth try to explain but the Beast just growls at them. He then growls at Maurice and tells him that he is not welcome there. The Beast grabs Maurice and drags him out of the room.
Back at the cottage, LaFou and Gaston are peeking out through the bushes out front and talking about how it is Belle’s lucky day. Gaston then goes to the clearing nearby where he has set up his own wedding. He thanks everyone for coming to his wedding and then says that first he needs to go propose to the girl. Everyone laughs at this, except for the Bimbettes who cry. Gaston reminds LaFou that when he returns with Belle, LaFou is supposed to strike up the band. So LaFou strikes up the band right then and Gaston yells “not yet!” and smack s a tuba on LaFou’s head.
Belle is reading a book inside the cottage when there is a knock on the door. She looks through a periscope, presumably one of Maurice’s inventions, to find Gaston on the doorstep. She sighs and rolls her eyes and lets him inside. Gaston tells her that this is the day her dreams come true. She asks what does he know about her dreams and Gaston thinks that he knows plenty. He describes what he thinks is the perfect life, living in a hunting lodge with Belle as his wife and six or seven sons. But Belle does not agree! She leans up against the front door and when Gaston tries to kiss her, she opens the door and sends him flying outside. Belle throws the boots that he took off out the door after him. Gaston lands in a mud puddle as LaFou strikes up the band. LaFou leans close to the mud puddle and asks Gaston how it went. In answer, Gaston grabs LaFou and throws him into the mud puddle and says that he will have Belle for his wife! Gaston then storms off.
Belle then opens the cottage door and makes sure that Gaston is gone. She angrily starts to sing a reprise of “Belle” about now wanting to be Gaston’s wife and about wanting adventure in the great wide somewhere. She feeds the chickens and goats and then runs to a nearby meadow to continue to daydream. Phillippe suddenly appears without Maurice and so Belle knows that something must be wrong. She unhitches the wagon from Phillippe and tells the horse to take her to her father.
Belle arrives at the castle and goes through the front gates. She finds Maurice’s hat on the ground.
Inside, Cogsworth and Lumiere are arguing about how they got into the mess with Maurice as Belle comes through the front door. She calls out for her father but there is no answer.
Mrs. Potts is doing the dishes when Chip comes in and tells his mom that there is a girl in the castle! She does not believe him and tells him to get into the bath, but then the Featherduster comes in and also says that there is a girl in the castle. Chip says to Mrs. Potts that he told her!
Cogsworth and Lumiere are still arguing when they hear Belle calling for Maurice. They see her walk by and follow. Lumiere excitedly thinks that she might be the one to break the spell. They sneakily lead her to Maurice by opening doors and Lumiere lighting the way. They lead her right to the dungeon where Maurice is being kept. Maurice tells Belle to get out of there right away but Belle will not leave him. The Beast suddenly appears and tells Belle that Maurice is his prisoner for trespassing and he will not let her father go. So Belle offers that she takes her father’s place and be the Beast’s prisoner instead. Maurice protests but the Beast agrees if Belle promises to stay there forever. Belle gives her word, even after seeing the Beast in the light and being even more frightened of him. The Beast then drags Maurice out of the dungeon and throws him into a carriage that brings him to the village. Belle starts to cry.
Lumiere suggests to the Beast that he offer Belle a more comfortable room than the cell. The Beast tells Belle that he will show her to her room and he leads her through the dark castle. Belle is frightened of the gargoyles they pass. The Beast is holding Lumiere for light and Lumiere suggests that the Beast say something to Belle. The Beast tells her that she can go anywhere in the castle that she wishes, except for the West Wing because it is forbidden. They arrive at her room and Lumiere whispers to the Beast to invite Belle for dinner to the Beast yells that she will join him for dinner and that is not a request! He slams the door and Belle falls on her bed and cries.
Back at the village in the tavern, Gaston is complaining about how humiliated he is from Belle’s rejection. LaFou tries to cheer him up by singing “Gaston,” a song about how great Gaston is. The villagers in the tavern join in. Maurice comes into the tavern near the end of the song and he desperately asks for help. He says that Belle has been captured by a ferocious beast in a castle and he needs help rescuing his daughter. But no one believes him and everyone just laughs. They throw Maurice out into the snow. After Maurice is gone, LaFou and Gaston sing a reprise of “Gaston” and plot a way to get to Belle by using Maurice.
In the castle, Belle is still crying when there is a knock on her door. She asks who it is and Mrs. Potts answers. Belle opens the door and is very surprised that it is a teapot talking! Belle backs into the Wardrobe in her surprise, which also starts talking. Mrs. Potts pours some tea into Chip and Chip hops over to Belle. He shows her his trick by blowing bubbles in the tea. Mrs. Potts scolds him and then tells Belle that it was a very brave thing she did to save her father and the Wardrobe agrees. But Belle is still very upset about it. Then Mrs. Potts and Chip leave to get dinner ready. The Wardrobe opens up her doors to find a dress for Belle for dinner and moths fly out. She is very embarrassed about it but goes right back to finding a dress. Belle tells her that it is very kind of her, but she is not going to dinner. Cogsworth then comes in and tells Belle that dinner is served.
Downstairs, the Beast is pacing in front of the fire. He is annoyed that Belle is taking too long to come down for dinner. Lumiere and Mrs. Potts are there and are trying to calm him down. They start to talk about how she might be the one to break the spell. Lumiere thinks that it will be easy and the pair will fall in love and everyone will be human again by midnight! Mrs. Potts does not think it will be that easy. Lumiere and Mrs. Potts then start to give advice on how to win Belle over. And the number one piece of advice is “you must control your temper!” The door opens and they all think that it must be Belle, but it is Cogsworth coming to say that Belle is not coming. The servants are very nervous about what the Beast’s reaction will be. And the Beast is very upset! He starts yelling and runs out the door. He runs upstairs and bangs on Belle’s door and yells at her to come out. But she will not and so he tells Belle that she will starve because if she does not eat with him then she will not eat at all. The Beast leaves and Cogsworth puts Lumiere in charge of guarding the door and to inform him if there is the slightest change. Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts go downstairs to start cleaning up.
The Beast angrily stomps around in the West Wing and starts to throw furniture. He grabs the magic mirror and asks to see the girl. Belle is in her room talking to the Wardrobe and saying that she wants nothing to do with the Beast! He says to himself that he is just fooling himself and that she will never see him as anything but a monster. He then puts the mirror down on the table by the enchanted rose as petal falls.
Back at Belle’s room, she sneaks out of the door and past Lumiere who is flirting with the Feather Duster behind the curtain. Lumiere notices too late that Belle has left.
In the kitchen, Mrs. Potts is putting Chip to bed and the Stove is complaining about making dinner all day and then no one appreciated it. Cogsworth is complaining that the Beast did say please so Belle shouldn’t have said no. But Mrs. Potts disagrees and knows that there is more to it than that. Belle then appears in the kitchen and Cogsworth quickly introduces himself as Lumiere finally catches up and kisses her hand. Belle mentions that she is hungry and Mrs. Potts is excited to make her a meal. Cogsworth is hesitant because of what the Beast said but Mrs. Potts does not care. She does not want to let the poor girl go hungry. Cogsworth finally agrees and says that she can have a glass of water and a piece of bread. But Lumiere says no, Belle is their guest and not a prisoner! Cogsworth has to reluctantly agree but tells Lumiere to keep it down, but Lumiere argues what is dinner without a little music. In the dining room, Lumiere gets everything set up and then sings “Be Our Guest.” All of the dishes join in the dancing and singing. Mrs. Potts also joins in as Cogsworth tries to stop them all.
At the end of the song, Cogsworth tries to get everyone off to bed, including Belle. But Belle says that it is her first night in an enchanted castle and could not possible go to bed now. Cogsworth asks “who said anything about it being enchanted?” and Belle says that she figured it out on her own. Lumiere offers to give Belle a tour but Cogsworth does not think it would be a good idea and so Belle suggests that he take her because he must know everything about the castle.
They are touring through a hall lined with suits of armor with Lumiere and the Footstool. Belle gets ahead and starts to head up some stairs and the servants rush to stop her. Belle asks what is up the stairs and Cogsworth says that nothing is up in the West Wing. Belle wonders what is hiding up there and the servants try to convince her that nothing is hiding there. Belle then points out that it would not be forbidden then. Cogsworth and Lumiere then suggest other areas of the castle to tour, including the library and this catches Belle’s ear. They start to head down the stairs. Cogsworth and Lumiere get ahead and so Belle turns around and goes back up the stairs.
Belle then heads into the West Wing which is very rundown. She notices the portrait that the Beast ripped and sees that it is a prince. The enchanted rose then catches her eye and she goes to touch it. The Beast suddenly appears and growls at her. He covers the rose back up and yells that she should not have come there. Belle runs away terrified. She grabs her cloak and runs outside into the snow. She and Phillippe ride away from the castle as fast as they can. They end up getting chased and attacked by wolves. The Beast appears and fights the wolves off, but gets hurt in the fight. Belle brings him back to the castle.
At the castle, Belle takes care of the Beast’s wounds. He struggles and starts to yell at her for running away. Belle blames him for frightening her and he blames her for being in the West Wing. Belle then says that he needs to control his temper! The Beast had no reply to this. Belle then quietly thanks him for saving her life.
In the village, Gaston and LaFou are meeting with Monsieur D’Arque in the middle of the night. Monsieur D’Arque is in charge of the asylum. Gaston and LaFou explain their plan to get Belle through Maurice. They explain that the old man came into the tavern raving about a beast in a castle. Their plan is then to declare Maurice crazy and lock him up unless Belle agrees to marry Gaston. Monsieur D’Arque thinks that the plan is despicable but he loves it!
At the cottage, Maurice is getting ready to go rescue Belle himself. Right after he leaves, Monsieur D’Arque, Gaston, and LaFou arrive to lock him up. Since neither Maurice nor Belle is home, Gaston tells LaFou to wait in front of the cottage for them to come home. Gaston leaves him in a snow pile.
At the castle, Belle is walking Phillippe around in the snow outside and playing with the Footstool. The Beast, Cogsworth, and Lumiere are watching above from a balcony. The Beast says that he has never felt this way about anyone and wants to do something for her. Lumiere and Cogsworth give their advice.
In the next scene, the Beast wants to present the library to Belle as a gift. He tells her to close her eyes and he then leads her into the room. He opens up all of the curtains and she opens her eyes and is very surprised and pleased at the library. The servants are spying on them and are very excited about it! All but Chip who does understand what is going on.
Belle and the Beast are eating porridge together. Belle teaches him how to politely drink from the bowl after he makes a huge mess. Then the pair go out into the snow and feed birds. They each start singing their thoughts in the song “Something There.” The servants join in. Then in the evening, Belle and the Beast are reading by the fire as the servants look on. They are all still very happy about the growing friendship between Belle and the Beast, though Chip still does not understand.
One night, the Beast is in the bath and Lumiere tells him that tonight is the night! He gives the Beast advice on how to be bold and daring. The Coat Tree is grooming the Beast to make him look his best. Cogsworth comes in and announces that his lady awaits.
Belle walks down the stairs in her beautiful yellow gown. The Beast joins her from the other side of the stairs and they walk down together. Mrs. Potts starts to sing “Beauty and the Beast” as they have dinner together. After dinner, Belle wants to dance and so she leads the Beast into the ballroom. After they dance and at the end of the song, the couple go out to the balcony and Mrs. Potts sends Chip to bed.
The Beast asks Belle if she is happy there. Belle says that she is but she misses her father. The Beast tells Belle that there is a way for her to see him for a moment and he brings her to the West Wing. He gives Belle the magic mirror. She asks the mirror to show her father and through the glass she sees that he is out in the forest and is all alone and very sick. The Beast says that she should go to him and he releases Belle as his prisoner. He also tells her to take the mirror with her so that she will always look back and remember him. Belle leaves the West Wing. Cogsworth appears and tells the Beast that everything is going very well but then the Beast says that he has let her go. Cogsworth is very surprised! The Beast says that he had to because he loves her.
Cogsworth then tells the other servants what has happened and they are all very surprised as well! Lumiere thinks that since the Beast loves Belle, which should be enough to break the spell. But Mrs. Potts reminds him that it isn’t. Belle needs to love the Beast in return. Chip sneaks off during this talk. Belle leaves the castle grounds on Phillippe and the Beast roars loudly as she does.
Belle searches the forest for her father and finds him passed out in the snow. She brings Maurice home. LaFou is still outside of their cottage, disguised as a snowman, and he runs off when he sees that the father and daughter have returned home.
Maurice wakes up in his own bed and sees Belle. He asks how she escaped and Belle explains that the Beast is different now and that he let her free. Chip appears out of her bag and they are very surprised to see the teacup. Chip asks Belle why she left and if she still likes them and Belle assures him that she does, but before she can explain more there is a knock on the door. Belle opens it to find Monsieur D’Arque there saying that he is there to collect her father. Outside is the asylum wagon with a mob gathered. Belle protests that her father is not crazy and everyone says that Maurice was raving like a lunatic about a beast. Belle supports her father and insists that he was telling the truth. The mob thinks that they are now both crazy. So Belle grabs the magic mirror and shows everyone the Beast. Gaston thinks that Belle must have feelings for the Beast and so he takes away the magic mirror. He starts singing “The Mob Song.” They lock both Belle and Maurice up in their cellar and head to the castle.
At the castle, the servants see the mob approaching and prepare to fight them off. Mrs. Potts warns the Beast that the castle is under attack but the Beast does not care. The mob breaks in through the front door with a log and they go inside. All is quiet but then the servants attack the invaders. They are able to fight off the mob, but Gaston slips by and heads up to the West Wing.
Back at the cottage, Chip witnesses what has happened and wants to help Belle and Maurice. He spies the woodchopper and starts it up. It chops right through the cellar door so that Belle and Maurice can escape.
The fight is still going on at the castle. Mrs. Potts pours hot tea on the invaders and the Wardrobe drops onto them and locks them in her cupboards. Cogsworth stabs LaFou with scissors and he saves Lumiere from being melted. The servants are very successful in scaring them away.
In the West Wing, Gaston appears in the door and shoots the Beast with an arrow. He only skims the Beast’s arm and then he pushes the Beast out of a window. They fight along the gargoyles around the roof. The Beast does not care about the fight and is letting Gaston win but then Belle appears with Maurice and Phillippe down below and she shouts at Gaston to stop. This gives the Beast strength and hope and he fights back. Gaston is now losing. Belle races up the stairs to save the Beast. The Beast grabs Gaston by the throat and is going to throw him off the roof but then Gaston begs for his life. The Beast takes pity on him and lets him go, but tells Gaston to get out. Belle calls for the Beast from up above and the Beast starts to climb to her. But Gaston suddenly stabs the Beast! The Beast howls in pain and Gaston is thrown off of the roof after flailing to find his grip. Belle brings the Beast onto the balcony and he is badly hurt. The Beast is happy to see her one last time before he dies. Belle cries as he passes and tells him that she loves him, right as the past petal falls. Magic begins to swirl around them and the Beast is lifted into the air and he transforms back into a human! They then kiss and the spell continues to break as the dark castle becomes light. The gargoyles are turns into angels and the servants all become human again.
In the ballroom, everyone is dressed in the best. The couple dance as everyone looks on. Cogsworth and Lumiere argue about who told who Belle would break the spell. Chip asks Mrs. Potts if they are all going to live happily ever after and Mrs. Potts says “of course.” Chip then asks if he will still need to sleep in the cupboard!
The scene zooms away from the ballroom and then shows Belle and her prince dancing in a stain glass portrait.
The end credits play to a pop version of “Beauty and the Beast.” At the end there is a dedication:
“To our friend, Howard, who gave a mermaid her voice and a beast his soul, we will be forever grateful. Howard Ashman. 1950-1991”
- “Human Again” was a deleted song from the original film that was added into the Broadway show and then into the 2002 special edition IMAX theatre release of the film and the following home media release. It has remained in the film for every release since then.
- Beauty and the Beast was adapted to became Disney’s first Broadway musical in 1994.
- This version of the story more closely follows the story by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont from 1756 but the original fairy tale was written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve and was written in 1740.
- Some of the beastly-looking gargoyle sculptures in the castle are early versions of the Beast.
- Sherri Stoner, who was the live action model for Ariel in The Little Mermaid, was also the live action model for Belle.
- This was the first Disney film to hire a screenwriter who worked closely with the storyboard team.
- There are only five minutes in the entire film where there is no music playing at all.
- Alan Menken and Howard Ashman wanted the film to feel and flow like a Broadway musical. They even did their casting in New York instead of Los Angeles.
- A team took a research trip to France to study the architecture.
- The first version of the film was actually a non-musical and had a very dark tone. It was being directed by Richard Purdum and being produced in London. After seeing where the film was headed, then Walt Disney Studios chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg ordered the entire film to be reworked. Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale were brought on to direct instead and Howard Ashman and Alan Menken were brought it to turn it into a musical.
- It was Howard Ashman’s idea to have the focus of the film on the Beast as a tragic hero.
- An unfinished version of the film was shown at the New York Film Festival in September of 1991. The film was a huge hit at the film festival, despite having a number of scenes shown as pencil sketches.
- The Beast has characteristics of many different animals. He is made up of a wild boar, a gorilla, a wolf, a lion, a bison, and a bear, but has human eyes.
- The pop version of “Beauty and the Beast” at the end credits was sung by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson
Representation in the Disney Parks:
Beauty and the Beast representation can be found in many areas around the Disney Parks.
At Disneyland, Beauty and the Beast is one of the stories told at the Royal Theatre at Princess Fantasy Faire in Fantasyland. There is a snack cart near the Royal Theatre called Maurice’s Treats. There is also a quick service restaurant called Red Rose Tavern that is Beauty and the Beast themed. Over at Disney California Adventure, the Beast’s library is a room in the Animation Building where guests can take a quick quiz to figure out which Disney character they are most like.
There is an entire Beauty and the Beast themed area in New Fantasyland at the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World. This includes the Enchanted Tales with Belle attraction, Be Our Guest restaurant, and the village area with Gaston’s Tavern. At Disney’s Hollywood Studios, there is the Beauty and the Beast – Live on Stage show which opened the day the film was released in theatres on November 22, 1991.
At Disneyland Paris, there is a boat ride attraction called Le Pays des Contes de Fées and one of the scenes is of Belle’s village and the Beast’s castle. One of the boats is named Belle as well as at the Disneyland version, Storybook Land Canal Boats.
Beauty and the Beast is quite popular at Shanghai Disneyland. There is Lumiere’s Kitchen, a signature dining location at the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel. There is the Beauty and the Beast Musical at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre in Disneytown. There is also a Be Our Guest Boutique in Fantasyland as well as Beauty and the Beast being a scene of the Voyage to the Crystal Grotto boat ride.
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