*All posts in the Star Wars Canon series contain minor spoilers
17 weeks until Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
“I’m talking about the fact that Stardust is doomed. It may survive five years, or ten, maybe even fifty. But somewhere during its service lifetime, someone will figure out a way to disable or even destroy it.” – Grand Admiral Savit, Star Wars: Thrawn: Treason
Star Wars: Thrawn: Treason is about Thrawn’s struggle with his loyalties to both the Imperial Empire and his own species the Chiss.
Written by: Timothy Zahn (author of Thrawn and Thrawn: Alliances)
Published: July 23, 2019
When does Thrawn: Treason take place?
Between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.
Or more specifically: 1 BBY which is eighteen years after the events of Revenge of the Sith
Once again, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Director Orson Krennic compete over favour of Emperor Palpatine. Thrawn pushes for funding for his TIE Defender project, Krennic needs the funds to complete his powerful Death Star.
An agreement, brought together by Grand Moff Tarkin, is made that if Thrawn is able to find a solution to the Krennic’s gralloc problems, the funding will go to Thrawn. Soon, Thrawn receives warning from his former translator Eli Vanto and must face the ultimate choice between the Empire and his home planet.
Treason is the dramatic finale to Zahn’s Thrawn triology (not to be confused with his Legends’ Heir to the Empire Thrawn triology). This third book brings back some important and dynamic characters, namely Eli Vanto who once again has a POV after being absent from Alliances. Though now he is fighting the Chiss enemy, the Grysks, who were introduced in Alliances.
Treason once again does a great job of weaving in a mystery aspect of the story, keeping readers guessing as to who the treat really is.
I enjoyed the introduction of other Chiss characters, especially Admiral Ar’alani and Vah’nya. I hope there are more books and maybe even other media platforms featuring the Chiss in the Star Wars future.
Treason again fits in nicely with the show Rebels and I would recommend the book for fans of the show as well as Rogue One.
Next week: Lost Stars
Complete list of Star Wars Canon novels
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