Pocahontas has sparked a lot of controversy over the years. This post is simply a continuation of my Animated Film Profiles and is not meant to take one side or the other. I respect that Pocahontas was a real person and that her life was very different than what was portrayed in the Disney film. All trivia is about the making of the film and not about history.
Premiered on: June 10, 1995 in Central Park, New York City
Directed by:
Mike Gabriel
Eric Goldberg
Produced by: James Pentecost
Inspired by: True Story of Pocahontas
Sequels: Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World (1998)
Irene Bedard – Pocahontas (speaking voice)
Judy Kuhn – Pocahontas (singing voice)
Mel Gibson – John Smith
David Ogden Stiers – Governor Ratcliffe / Wiggins
Russell Means – Powhatan (speaking voice)
Jim Cummings – Powhatan (singing voice) / Kekata (singing voice)
Gordon Tootoosis – Kekata
Christian Bale – Thomas
Linda Hunt – Grandmother Willow
Billy Connolly – Ben
Joe Baker – Lon
Frank Welker – Flit
John Kassir – Meeko
Danny Mann – Percy
Michelle St. John – Nakoma
James Apaumut Fall – Kocoum
Supervising Animators:
Ruben A. Aquino
Chris Buck
Michael Cedeno
Anthony de Rosa
Ken Duncan
T. Daniel Hofstedt
Glen Keane
Duncan Marjoribanks
John Pomeroy
David Pruiksma
Nik Ranieri
Music by:
Alan Menken
Stephen Schwartz
“The Virginia Company”
“Steady as the Beating Drum”
“Just Around the Riverbend”
“Mine, Mine, Mine”
“Colors of the Wind”
“Listen with your Heart”
“If I Never Knew You”
Academy Awards:
Best Song – “Colors of the Wind”
Best Score
The Story:
Pocahontas begins in London with the song “The Virginia Company.” Down at the docks, a ship is getting ready to sail off. The crew are saying goodbye to their loved ones and John Smith appears in the crowd. Lon, Ben, and Thomas talk about how they have heard some amazing stories about John. He jumps on a cannon as it is being hoisted up onboard the ship.
Governor Ratcliffe arrives out of a carriage and Wiggins follows behind carrying Percy on a pillow. They board the shop right before it sets off. Everyone on deck waves goodbye to the people of London.
That night, out at sea, a storm hits. The crew are struggling to pull up the sail and Thomas calls John for help when the cannons break loose from their ropes. John swings down from the sail and helps Thomas. A large waves sweeps over the ship and knocks Thomas overboard. Someone yells for them to stay on course because he is as good as lost. But John jumps into the sea tied to a long rope and saves Thomas. As they are heading back to the ship, the rope breaks, and Lon and Ben haul them up. As they climb back aboard, the storm settles. Everyone congratulations John and he comments that they would all do the same for him. The men answer with uncertainty that they would.
Ratcliffe appears to see what the trouble on deck is. But then gives everyone hope about what is waiting for them in the new world such as freedom, prosperity, and the adventure of their lives. Everyone cheers at the end of his speech and Wiggins tells him what an excellent speech it is. Ratcliffe comments that he needs those peasants to feel motivated to dig up his gold.
John and Thomas talk about the new world and Thomas thinks that he will get enough gold to build a new house. The crew sing a reprise of “The Virginia Company” and John then comments that he has seen hundreds of new worlds and there can’t possibly be anything different about this one.
The title card appears.
The next scene shows the shores of the new world. Warriors are heading home in their canoes and their arrival is announced by the blowing of conch shells. The opening credits play as the natives sing “Steady as the Beating Drum.” Everyone waves as the canoes go by. Kekata greets Chief Powhatan as he arrives back home and the chief announces that their villages are safe again. He then wonders to Kekata where his daughter is. Kekata says that Pocahontas has her mother’s spirit and she goes wherever the wind takes her.
Pocahontas is standing on top of a cliff as the wind blows leaves around her. Nakoma is sitting in a canoe in the water below the cliff and yells up to Pocahontas that her father has returned and to come down. Pocahontas tells Flit the hummingbird and Meeko the raccoon to come as well. Meeko is busy stuffing his face with berries. Pocahontas starts to run down the mountain but then suddenly turns around and leaps off of the cliff and swan dives into the water below. Nakoma calls Pocahontas a show-off. Meeko copies Pocahontas but then starts to freak out as he nears the water and grabs Flit to save him. Both animals plop into the water.
Pocahontas still has not resurfaced and Nakoma calls out for her. Pocahontas then tips the canoe over and Nakoma falls into the water. They come up under the upside down canoe and Nakoma comments that they are getting a little old for those games. Pocahontas then spits water at her and they laugh and splash each other with water.
Meeko tries to climb up onto the canoe as Flit flies out of the water and is very annoyed with the raccoon. He tries to stab Meeko with his beak and uses Meeko’s tail as a target but Meeko slips back down into the water. Flit ends up getting stuck in the canoe and Nakoma and Pocahontas flip it over. Flit is then underwater.
Nakoma asks Pocahontas what she was doing up there and Pocahontas says that she was thinking about her dream again. Nakoma asks if she has figured it out but Pocahontas has not. Nakoma suggests asking Powhatan. Pocahontas then pulls Flit out of the canoe and tells the hummingbird to stop playing around. He is filled with water and Meeko squeezes the water out.
They canoe back to the village where Powhatan is retelling their journey of protecting the village. He praises Kocoum as the bravest warrior and they will soon feast in his honour. Nakoma whispers to Pocahontas that Kocoum is very handsome and Pocahontas sarcastically says back that she especially loves his smile. Kocoum is very serious and not smiling at all.
After the speech, Pocahontas races to hug her father. They tell each other that they have lots to talk about. They go into Powhatan’s hut and Meeko and Flit sneak in. Pocahontas says that for many nights she has been having the same strange dream and thinks that it might mean something exciting is about to happen. Powhatan agrees that something exciting is about to happen because Kocoum has asked to marry Pocahontas. Flit is very excited but Meeko thinks that is gross. Powhatan is very happy about it but Pocahontas is not. She thinks that Kocoum is too serious. Powhatan thinks that Kocoum will keep her safe. Pocahontas wants to choose her own path but Powhatan tells her that as the chief’s daughter, it is time for her to take her place among their people. They leave the hut and wander through the forest. Powhatan sings a reprise of “Steady as the Beating Drum” about the rivers being steady. He then gives Pocahontas her mother’s necklace that she wore at their wedding.
Pocahontas is by herself staring into the river with Flit and Meeko arrive. She tells them that her father wants her to be steady like the river, but then river otters break the surface of the river and Pocahontas knows that the river is not steady at all. She starts to sing “Just Around the Riverbend” and gets into a canoe with Flit and Meeko. They are excited for an adventure! As they travel down the river, they come to a fork in the path. There is a smooth course which represents marrying Kocoum and where her dreams come to an end. The other course is filled with rapids and it represents finding out more about her dreams. She ends up choosing the rapid-filled course.
Pocahontas approaches Grandmother Willow. Many forest animals gather to greet her. Grandmother Willow notices Pocahontas’ mother’s wedding necklace and Pocahontas says that is what she wants to talk about. Her father wants her to marry Kocoum and Grandmother Willow comments that he is so serious. Then Pocahontas brings up her dream and Grandmother Willow is excited to hear about it. All the other animals are so excited that they start chatting away. Grandmother Willow yells at them to be quiet and then Pocahontas begins her talking about her dream of a spinning arrow. The arrow spins faster and faster until it suddenly stops. Grandmother Willow thinks that the spinning arrow is pointing her down her path but Pocahontas is still not sure what her path is. She asks how she can find it and Grandmother Willow tells her that her mother asked the same thing. Grandmother Willow’s advice is to listen to the spirits around her and she starts to sing “Listen with your Heart.” Pocahontas then knows that something is coming, strange clouds. She climbs to the top of the tree and sees the strange clouds approaching, which are actually the ship’s sails.
Ratcliffe is looking out at the new world from his ship cabin and thinks that it is filled with gold just waiting for him. Wiggins says that there are adventures waiting for himself and Percy. He is grooming Percy as Ratcliffe pulls out a map to study. John comes in and tells Ratcliffe that the water is deep enough that they can pull the ship right up to shore. He messes up Percy’s grooming as he is speaking. John says that he has a crew ready to hit the shore. After John leaves, Ratcliffe talks to Wiggins about how this is his last chance for glory and King James will be very pleased with the gold he brings back.
The crew lowers a row boat and John, Thomas, Lon, and Ben go ashore through the mist. Pocahontas is running to get a closer look at the strange clouds with Flit and Meeko following. Pocahontas peers over a rock at the new visitors. The men pull the ship to shore and ask John to tie it off but then realize that he is gone. John has climbed up the side of a cliff for a better look at the new land. He ends up being very close to Pocahontas, who is hiding in the bushes. Meeko wanders right up to John and the man gives him a biscuit. Meeko loves it and wants more. He waves one of his new biscuits towards the bushes to show Pocahontas but then John knows that someone is hiding back there. He goes to take a look but then Flit flies out and chases John off to protect Pocahontas. As John is swatting Flit away, biscuits keep falling out of his bag and Meeko is delighted at the food Thomas then calls John to come down because the governor is coming ashore.
At the native village, the villagers are worried about the new visitors. Powhatan asks Kekata what he sees and the shaman creates smoke that shows the guns of the new visitors. He says that they prowl like wolves and will consume everything in their path. Kocoum offers to lead some warriors down to the river to attack but Powhatan says that the new men are strange to them and so they will not know how to fight them. He tells Kocoum to take some warriors down to observe, but not to fight. He then says that he hopes they do not intend to stay.
Ratcliffe plants a British flag and claims the land in the name of King James and he names the settlement Jamestown. Inside the ship, Wiggins is giving Percy a bath as the pug lounges in his bubble bath, eating cherries. Meeko is in a tree nearby and spots the cherries. The raccoon jumps in through the window and lands in the bath. Percy is very angry about the disturbance and then when Meeko eat all of the cherries, Percy starts growling and chasing Meeko. He chases Meeko down the plank and then he lands right in the mud, as Meeko gets away clean.
Ratcliffe is convinced that he has picked the perfect location to anchor as there is not a native in sight. John thinks that they might still be around and so Ratcliffe suggests that John goes out to take a look around. John does and goes right past Pocahontas without noticing her in the bushes.
Ratcliffe then gives everyone a task, whether it is unloading the ship, building the fort, or most importantly, breaking out the shovels and digging for gold. He starts to sing “Mine, Mine, Mine” and sings about what he is going to do with all that gold. He also explains that he cannot help the other men dig because of a crick in his back. He thinks that after finding so much gold, he will be lorded. John sings as well about his adventures and Pocahontas is still following him.
John is exploring near a large waterfall and he stops to take a drink of water out of the stream. He notices Pocahontas in the reflection and takes caution while crossing the rest of the stream. Pocahontas sneaks out of her hiding spot, not realizing that John has spotted her. She sneaks across the rocks of the stream as John is lurking in the shadows with his gun. He jumps out at Pocahontas but she is not scared of him. She stands tall on the rock and John puts his gun down and they just stare at each other. He lowers his gun and then starts to move towards her. Suddenly Pocahontas takes off and runs through the forest as Meeko and Flit follow her. She jumps into a canoe but John catches up with her before she can paddle away. He asks her to get out of the canoe and offers his hand. Pocahontas grabs it and there is a reprise of “Listen to your Heart.” John asks who she is and they introduce themselves.
Ratcliffe and his men are still digging and there are natives watching them from the woods. They count over a hundred men. The new comers start to complain about all of the digging. Wiggins is making topiaries and Ratcliffe asks Wiggins to dispose of a turkey leg he was just eating. Wiggins tries to get Percy to fetch, but Percy does not care and so Wiggins just throws the meat into the forest near the natives. One of them looks up to see where it came from and Ratcliffe’s men sees him and thinks that it is an ambush. They arm themselves and start to shoot at the natives. The natives fire their bows back. Ratcliffe hits one of the natives and Kocoum quickly runs to his side, picks him up, and runs him back to the village. Ratcliffe’s men cheer but Ratcliffe thinks that they will be back. He tells everyone to get back to work and then also tells Thomas to learn how to shoot properly because he had almost shot Ratcliffe.
Back at the village, Kekata is trying to heal the native who was shot but the wound is strange to him. Powhatan declares that they will fight this new enemy but they cannot do it alone. He tells Kocoum to go to neighbouring villages to get help. Powhatan tells everyone in the village that the new enemy is dangerous and that no one is to go near them.
Pocahontas is trying on John’s helmet and he is asking her questions about the land. He says that they have the most unusual names there and Pocahontas comments that John Smith has the most unusual name. John then finds Meeko digging around in his bag looking for biscuits. Pocahontas introduces Meeko and then John teaches them how to shake hands. Pocahontas teaches him how to say hello in her language. They touch hands and then Flit flutters towards John to get him to pull back. Meeko then pulls a compass out of John’s bag and runs up a tree with it. John tells Meeko that he can keep it and he can just get a new one in London. John explains to Pocahontas what a compass is and he tells her about his village, London. Pocahontas would like to see the buildings and roads that he is describing and John says that she will be able to because they are going to build all of that stuff there and use the land properly. He says that they will show Pocahontas and her people how to build decent houses and Pocahontas thinks that their houses are just fine. John says that she thinks that because she does not know any better. Pocahontas takes offense to this and paddles off in her canoe. John jumps into the water and stops the canoe. He says that there is so much that they can teach the natives and he will not let her leave. She jumps into the tree above and climbs away from him. John follows but is not nearly as good at climbing as she is. He calls her uncivilized, which just makes things worse but then he falls out of the tree. Pocahontas jumps down and starts to sing “Colors of the Wind.” She shows John her land and her way of life.
Pocahontas then hears the drums and knows that there is trouble. She thinks that she should not be there with John but he does not want her to go. Pocahontas does leave and just avoids a kiss from John.
It is pouring rain one night and Ratcliffe’s men are just finishing up building the fort. Meeko sneaks right by them. John is very quiet and Thomas comments that he has been quiet for the last few days. Lon thinks that he is upset because he missed all of the action. Ben is upset because they have no gold or food and Ratcliffe just sits in his tent all day.
The scene zooms up to Ratcliffe’s tent where he thinks he is doomed because he should have found lots of gold by now. Percy sets up his bone carrousel but Meeko appears and eats all of the bones before Percy can. He chases Meeko away as Wiggins comes in with an arrow stuck through his hear. But then he shows Ratcliffe that it is a headband that he has made himself. Ratcliffe is at first annoyed and grabs the arrow headband and the gold color of the arrow makes him think that the natives must have all of the gold. They are protecting it and that is why they attacked.
Ratcliffe goes out into the fort looking for John. He cannot find him and asks Ben and Lon where he might be. They tell Ratcliffe that he snuck off and so he tells them to go find John.
Percy chases Meeko through the forest and runs right past Meeko as the raccoon is hiding on top of a moose’s head. Meeko then gives the moose a bone as a thank you and leaves.
Pocahontas and Nakoma are picking corn and Flit is keeping a lookout. Powhatan arrives and tells them that they should be careful. Then he comments that Pocahontas looks just like her mother with that necklace and that people use to look up to her mother for honour and strength and that one day, they will look up to Pocahontas for the same. He then says that it is not safe for them to be alone and he will send Kocoum to look after them. After he leaves, Nakoma asks Pocahontas what she is hiding. John then appears out of the cornfield and Nakoma freaks out. Pocahontas covers Nakoma’s mouth and Nakoma is very surprised that Pocahontas knows him. John says that he needed to see her again and they leave together after Pocahontas asks Nakoma to cover for her. Kocoum arrives and asks where Pocahontas is but Nakoma says that she has not seen her. Kocoum tells Nakoma to tell Pocahontas to stop running off because it is dangerous.
At Grandmother Willow, Meeko is hiding in his hole with all of his treasures. John comments that this place is beautiful and can’t believe that they came all this way just to dig it up for gold. He explains to Pocahontas that hold is yellow and comes out of the ground and Pocahontas says that they have lots of that there. She hands him a cob of corn. John explains that is not what gold is and shows her a gold coin. Pocahontas tells him that they don’t have anything like that around and John thinks it is ironic that they came there to look for something that isn’t even there. Some of the men might leave and Pocahontas asks John if he will go back home and John tells her that the never really had a home to go back to. Pocahontas suggests that this land might be his home. John suddenly hears “Listen to your Heart” and Grandmother Willow’s face appears in the tree. John is spooked by it and then denies that he saw something. Pocahontas asks John to look again and Grandmother Willow starts to speak to John, who is very freaked out that a tree is talking to him but Pocahontas assures him that it is alright and to speak back. Grandmother Willow says that he is a good soul and very handsome. John tells Pocahontas that he likes Grandmother Willow but then he hears Lon and Ben calling for him. He does not want them to see him with Pocahontas so Grandmother Willow tells them to hide behind her. She lifts up a root and trips Ben and Lon. They are terrified that the tree just lifted a root and want to get out of there. Grandmother Willow snaps her willow branches at them and they take off. They think that John can take care of himself.
John is thankful for Grandmother Willow for being on their side. John then thinks he needs to get back before they send more people out to look for him. He tells Pocahontas that he will try to see her again that night. After he leaves, Grandmother Willow comments that she has not had that much excitement in 200 years. Pocahontas is doubtful that she should see him again but then says that something inside her is saying that it is right. Grandmother Willow suggests that maybe it is her dream; maybe he is the one that the spinning arrow is pointing to.
The neighbouring warriors are arriving at Powhatan’s village and Pocahontas arrives at the same time. Nakoma starts to tell her that she is crazy for going off with John Smith but then Kocoum comes over and talks about how he is glad that the warriors have arrived to help destroy their enemy. Powhatan then announces to everyone the same thing. He goes into his hut with the other chief. Pocahontas runs after them and wants to speak to her father but Powhatan does not have time because the council is gathering. Pocahontas shouts that they do not have to fight; there must be a better way. She suggests talking to the new men. Powhatan thinks that the new men do not want to talk and Pocahontas asks that if one of them does want to talk, will her father listen. Powhatan does not think that anyone would but he still agrees. He then comments that it is not that simple.
Meeko is scurrying around the forest and he sees poor Percy covered in burrs and leaves. Percy starts running and barking towards Meeko and the two end up getting stuck in a log. Meeko is able to climb out and he hops onto John’s shoulder and waves goodbye to Percy, who is still stuck in the log. The dog whines as he is left in the forest all alone.
Thomas is guarding the fort and almost shoots John as he approaches. Meeko quickly hides in John’s bag. John tells Thomas that he will not be able to shoot anything like that and tells Thomas to keep both eyes open. When John comes into the fort, Ratcliffe demands to know where he was and John says that he was out scouting the terrain. Ratcliffe approves of this and he says that John must know where the natives are because they will need that information for the battle to eliminate them. John is not happy! He says that they cannot fight and the natives can actually help them because they know the land. He even met one. Meeko sneakily hands John some corn out of the bag and John shows everyone that this is food that they can grow. Ratcliffe yells that they don’t want to feed them, they want to kill them in order to keep the gold to themselves. John tells Ratcliffe that there is no gold and Ratcliffe thinks that it is all lies and that this is his land! He gives the command that anyone who does not kill a native on sight will be tried for treason and hanged. He stares right at John as he says this.
Pocahontas is running away from her village through the cornfield. Nakoma catches her and tells her not to go. She has lied for Pocahontas once and will not do it again. Pocahontas insists that she has to. They argue about whether Pocahontas is turning her back on her people or trying to help her people. Pocahontas promises that she will not get hurt and she runs off.
John sneaks out of his tent with Meeko and leaves the fort as the others are arguing about who is right about the gold: John or Ratcliffe. Thomas sees John sneak away and watches him from the entrance of the fort. Ratcliffe sees this and tells Thomas to follow John and to take a gun in case he sees any natives. He tells Thomas not to disappoint him again.
Kocoum is sharpening spears when Nakoma approaches him. She tells him that she is worried about Pocahontas and thinks that her friend is in trouble.
Pocahontas reaches Grandmother Willow and the tree asks what is happening because the earth is trembling. Pocahontas explains that the warriors have arrived and John appears as well. He says that his men are planning on attacking her people and that she has to go warn them. Pocahontas thinks that maybe it is not too late to stop this and she wants John to come talk to her father. John does not think that will do any good because he has already tried talking to his men but everything about his land has them spooked. Just then, Percy still stuck in the log appears and is howling. Grandmother Willow comments that is the strangest creature she has ever seen. Then Percy rolls down a hill and falls out of the log and into John’s hands. Percy sees Meeko and starts growling at him and chases the raccoon again. Pocahontas and John yell at the two animals to stop and John comments that once they set out to fight, nothing can stop them. Meeko grabs Flit and uses the hummingbird as a sword. The fighting continues and so Grandmother Willow takes over and yells at them to stop. Percy falls over in fright from the talking tree. She picks him up by the tail and Meeko wanders over. Now that she has everyone’s attention, she says that there is something she wants to show them. She dips a willow branch into the water and tells everyone to look at the ripples. The ripples are so small at first but then they grow. But someone has to start them. John still does not think that anyone will listen to them but Grandmother Willow says that the right path is not always the easiest path. She pushes John towards Pocahontas and says that the only when the fighting stops, can they be together. John then agrees to go talk to her father and they kiss.
Thomas sees them from the forest at the same time Kocoum does. The native leaps out and attacks John, who fights back. Thomas runs forward and loads his gun. Pocahontas tries to stop Kocoum but it is no use. Thomas then shoots and kills Kocoum. As Kocoum falls, he grabs Pocahontas’ necklace and breaks it. John yells at Thomas to get out of there as they near more natives approaching.
The natives grab John and Pocahontas stays behind with Kocoum as the others lift his body back to carry back to the village. Meeko, Flit, and Percy are hiding under Grandmother Willow’s branches. Meeko and Flit start to leave but Percy is too scared and so Meeko comforts Percy. The dog then leaves with his new friends.
Kocoum is brought to the village and Powhatan demands to know who did this. They bring in John and say that he is the man who attacked Kocoum. Powhatan tells John that his weapons may be strong, but their anger is stronger. John will be the first to die at sunrise. Pocahontas interjects but Powhatan yells at her and blames her foolishness for leaving the village as the reason that Kocoum is dead. Pocahontas is very upset about everyone and Nakoma approaches her to admit that she was the one who sent Kocoum after Pocahontas because she was worried about her. Pocahontas does not blame Nakoma, she only blames herself. She is very sad that she will never see John again.
Nakoma then brings Pocahontas to the end where John is prisoner and convinces the guards to let Pocahontas go inside. John is tied up inside and she apologizes to him. John just brushes it off and Pocahontas thinks that it would have been better if they had never met. John says that he would rather die tomorrow then live a hundred years without knowing her. Nakoma calls Pocahontas but Pocahontas does not want to leave John. John tells her that no matter what happens to him, he will always be with her. Pocahontas leaves.
Thomas runs back to the fort and calls for help. He says that the natives have John! Everyone is getting ready to help save John and Ratcliffe is just excited about this chance to get the gold from the natives. He gets everyone riled up to fight at sunrise with the song “Savages.”
The natives are singing the same song and getting ready to fight as well.
Pocahontas is telling Grandmother Willow what is happening and she does not think that she can stop them. Pocahontas is worried that she followed the wrong path. Meeko is digging through his stash and gives Pocahontas John’s compass. Grandmother Willow says that is the arrow from Pocahontas’ dream and now Pocahontas knows that she was right and that the arrow is pointing at John. It is sunrise and Grandmother Willow tells Pocahontas to go follow her path.
Ratcliffe and his men are approaching the native village. Powhatan is getting ready to kill John Smith. Pocahontas is running as fast as she can to stop them all. She then leaps in front of her father as he is about to kill John and shields John with her body. She declares her love for John and tells everyone to look around at where the path of hated has brought them. She then asks Powhatan what he wants his path to be. The wind blows and Powhatan announces that his daughter speaks with wisdom and that she has courage and understanding. He lowers his club and says that if there is killing, it will not start with him. Ratcliffe’s men lower their guns and the natives lower their arrow. Powhatan releases John and Ratcliffe tells his men to fire. But they refuse because they do not want to fight. So Ratcliffe grabs a fun and aims at Powhatan. John sees this and jumps in the way as Ratcliffe fires. He is shot and all of the men are angry with Ratcliffe because he shot John Smith. They shackle and gag him.
The ship is ready to sail home. The men are just loading up the rest of the cargo, including a chained up Ratcliffe. Thomas tells John that they must get him onboard and head out, but John says that Pocahontas said that she would be there. Pocahontas arrives through the mist with other natives and brings food for them all. Pocahontas approaches John and everyone lowers their hats as she walks by. Thomas explains that going back will be John’s only chance and that he will die if he stays. Pocahontas’ silence indicates that she understands.
Pocahontas gives John a package and says that it is from Grandmother Willow’s bark and will help with the pain. John brushes off his pain. Powhatan approaches and gives John his cloak as a blanket. He says that John is always welcome among their people. Flit says goodbye and then Percy and Meeko present Pocahontas her mother’s necklace that they fixed. Meeko gives John a biscuit and John tells Percy goodbye. Then he asks Pocahontas to come with him and she looks tat what her father thinks and Powhatan tells his daughter to choose her own path. But Pocahontas knows that her place is with her people because she is needed there. John says that he will stay there then but Pocahontas tells him he can’t. She says that no matter what happens, she will be with him forever. They kiss and John is brought onboard the ship.
Powhatan comforts his daughter as the ship sails away. She then races beside the ship along the shore and up to the mountaintop where she waves goodbye.
The end credits play to “If I Never Knew You” and a pop version of “Colors of the Wind.”
- The pop version of “Colors of the Wind” during the end credits was sung by Vanessa Williams.
- The song “If I Never Knew You” was sung by Jon Secada and Shanice.
- Governor Ratcliffe’s ship is the Susan Constant, the actual ship that sailed to Jamestown.
- John Candy was suppose to voice a turkey friend of Pocahontas named Red Feather. He passed away during production and the character was cut from the film instead of being recast.
- At the time, Pocahontas held the largest premiere in movie history. It was held in Central Park and was open to the public. The crowd was estimated to be 100 000 people and the movie was shown on four jumbo screens. The evening ended with fireworks.
- Willow bark does actually help with pain.
- This the first of two films to feature both Christian Bale and Irene Bedard about the story of Pocahontas. In the 2005 film The New World, Christian Bale played John Rolfe and Irene Bedard played Pocahontas’ mother.
- In the second film, John Smith was voiced by Mel Gibson’s brother, Donal Gibson.
- The song “If I Never Knew You” was originally going to be sung as a duet between John Smith and Pocahontas after he had been captured. It was cut from the film because the test audiences found it boring. The song was then added back in for the 2005 DVD release.
Representation in the Disney Parks:
Pocahontas is part of Mickey and the Magical Map in Fantasyland in Disneyland.
Characters from the film are a large part of Fantasmic! at Disney’s Hollywood Studios and guests can meet Pocahontas in Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
There is a playground area in Frontierland themed to Pocahontas in Disneyland Paris.
Check out the other films of Disney’s Renaissance:
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