The Lion King is a fantastic Disney film. It features my favourite score of any of the animated films; it is just so upbeat and dramatic! The Lion King was also the first film I ever saw in theatres so it will also be a little bit special to me.
Premiered on: June 15, 1994
Directed by:
Roger Allers
Rob Minkoff
Produced by: Don Hahn
Inspired by:
Hamlet written by William Shakespeare
The story of Moses from the Bible
The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride (1998)
The Lion King ½ (2004)
Matthew Broderick – Adult Simba (speaking voice)
Joseph Williams – Adult Simba (singing voice)
Jonathan Taylor Thomas – Cub Simba (speaking voice)
Jason Weaver – Cub Simba (singing voice)
James Earl Jones – Mufasa
Jeremy Irons – Scar
Moira Kelly – Adult Nala (speaking voice)
Sally Dwarsky – Adult Nala (singing voice)
Niketa Calame – Cub Nala (speaking voice)
Laura Williams – Cub Nala (singing voice)
Nathan Lane – Timon
Ernie Sabella – Pumbaa
Robert Guillaume – Rafiki
Rowan Atkinson – Zazu
Madge Sinclair – Sarabi
Whoopie Goldberg – Shenzi
Cheech Marin – Banzai
Jim Cummings – Ed / Gopher
Supervising Animators:
Ruben A. Aquino
Tony Bancroft
James Baxter
Aaron Blaise
Dave Burgess
Anthony de Rosa
Andreas Deja
Russ Edmonds
Tony Fucile
Mark Henn
Alex Kupershmidt
Michael Surrey
Ellen Woodbury
Music by:
Elton John
Tim Rice
Hans Zimmer
“Circle of Life”
“I Just Can’t Wait to be King”
“Be Prepared”
“Hakuna Matata”
“Can You Feel the Love Tonight”
Academy Awards:
Best Score
Best Song – “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”
Best Song – “Circle of Life” (nomination)
Best Song – Hakuna Matata” (nomination)
The Story:
The Lion King begins with a sunrise to the song “Circle of Life.” There are many animals such as elephants, giraffes, zebras, and birds that are waking up and heading across the savannah. They head to Pride Rock as Zazu flies overhead. He lands on Pride Rock and bows to Mufasa who is looking out over his kingdom. Rafiki makes his way through the crowd and climbs up the rock as well. He gives Mufasa a big hug and then goes over to Sarabi who is cuddling baby Simba. Rafiki plays with the baby and then sprinkles him with melon juice and sand as part of the presentation ceremony. He then presents him over the crowd of animals. All of the animals clap and cheer in their own way.
The title card appears.
A mouse scurries along the rocks and is caught by Scar. He explains to the mouse that life is not fair because he will never be king and the mouse will never see the light of another day. But before he can eat the mouse, Zazu appears and asks Scar if his mother ever told him not to play with his food. Scar asks Zazu what he wants and the bird says that he is there to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. So Scar better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony that morning. The mouse runs away from Scar and then the lion snatches Zazu in his mouth. Mufasa appears and tells him to spit the bird out at once. Scar is sarcastic about Mufasa descending from his most high to visit his brother. Mufasa is upset with Scar that he was not at the presentation of Simba. Scar pretends that he did not know that was today and Zazu also gives him a hard time for missing it. Scar complains that he is no longer the first in line because the little hairball was born. Mufasa sticks up for his son and then Scar turns to leave. Mufasa warns his brother to not turn his back on him and Scar says that it is Mufasa who should not turn his back. But he then denies that he was challenging Mufasa and leaves. Mufasa and Zazu are not sure what to do with him and they head back to Pride Rock.
It is nighttime and raining. Inside Rafiki’s baobab tree home, he is painting a picture of Simba on the inside of the trunk.
One morning at Pride Rock, Simba, who is now a much older cub, is trying to wake up his dad who is still asleep. He reminds his dad that he promised something to Simba and finally succeeds in waking Mufasa up. Simba gives his mother a quick goodbye cuddle and then follows his dad.
Mufasa and Simba sit high over the pride lands. Mufasa explains that someday the sun will set on his time and rise with Simba as king. He also explains that everything the light touches will be under Simba’s rule. But the shadowy place in the distance is not theirs and Simba must never go there. Simba protests and Mufasa tells Simba that there is more to being king than getting his way all the time. They then take a walk through a grassy plain and Mufasa goes on to say that everything exists together in a balance and it is the king’s job to keep that balance. They are all connected in the great circle of life.
Zazu arrives with the morning report for Mufasa. As Zazu is getting Mufasa up to date on all of the happenings throughout the pride lands, Simba gets distracted by a grasshopper and stalks it. Mufasa notices and decides to show him how a pro does it. He asks Zazu to turn around and then he gives Simba some tips on how to pounce. Zazu notices what is going on and pleas with Mufasa to not be the subject of a pouncing lesson. But Mufasa tells Zazu to turn around again and Zazu complains that this is so humiliating. Simba pounces and takes Zazu out and both of the lions laugh at Zazu’s expense.
After Zazu is knocked off of his perch, a gopher appears to tell him that there is news from the underground. Zazu quickly informs Mufasa that there are hyenas in the pride lands and Mufasa takes off, but not before telling Zazu to take Simba home.
Scar is pacing around his rocks when Simba appears. Simba brags that he is going to be king one day and is very excited that his dad had just showed him the kingdom. Scar is less than enthusiastic. Simba asks Scar what he will be when Simba grows up to be king and Scar responses that he will be a monkey’s uncle. Scar then gets Simba on the subject of the shadowy lands and purposely lets it slip that the area over there is an elephant graveyard. He knows that will pique Simba’s interest and continues to say that only the bravest lions go there. Simba then runs off in excitement.
Simba runs to find his friend Nala who is getting a bath from her mom. Sarabi is nearby and scoops up Simba to give her son a bath. Simba is very annoyed with his mom and then tries again to get Nala’s attention. He says that he has something exciting to show her. Sarabi asks what it is and Simba comments that it is the watering hole. Nala does not think that there is anything great about the watering hole and Simba whispers to her that he will show her when they get there. Nala then gets what he is hinting at and they start to leave but their moms make them take Zazu with them.
The cubs head towards the watering hole with Zazu flying above them. He tells them to hurry because the sooner they can get to the watering hole, the sooner they can leave. Nala asks where they are actually going and Simba tells her that they are heading to an elephant graveyard. They start to whisper a plan on how to get rid of Zazu. Zazu thinks that they are quite cute whispering together and flies down closer to them. He mentions that they are betrothed and explains that means they will one day be married. The cubs think that is disgusting! Simba says that when he is king, that will be the first law to go! He also tells Zazu that the hornbill has to listen to him because he is the future king. Zazu disagrees; he does not have to listen yet! Zazu thinks that Simba makes a pathetic king. Simba then starts singing “I Just Can’t Wait to be King.” Nala joins in the singing as Zazu protests the entire time. Other animals around the watering hole join in and dance. At the end of the song, Zazu ends up being squished by a rhino which allows Simba and Nala to run off.
When the cubs are alone, they tease each other about who was the one that was able to get rid of Zazu. They start to wrestle and Nala pins Simba twice, much to his annoyance. The cubs roll down a hill and right into the elephant graveyard. They think that it is both great and creepy! They start to head into an elephant skull when Zazu appears and tries to stop them. He tells the cubs that it is too dangerous and Simba says that he laughs in the face of danger, just as laughter comes out of the skull. Three hyenas appear and Zazu is very frightened of them. Simba is not and thinks that the hyenas can do nothing to him because he is the future king. The hyenas circle around Simba, Nala, and Zazu and joke about them staying around for dinner and having whatever is lion around, like a cub sandwich.
As the hyenas are making jokes, Zazu and the cubs escape and run away as fast as they can. Zazu is caught and the hyenas try to boil him but Zazu goes shooting out of the birdy boiler.
Simba and Nala go back to try and rescue Zazu but they get chased again by the hyenas. Simba ends up scratching Shenzi’s face, making her very mad. The hyenas trap the cubs in a corner and Simba tries to growl and scare them off. But the hyenas just laugh at his pathetic roar and ask him to do it again. So Simba tries but at the same time there is a ferocious roar and it turns out to be Mufasa. Mufasa attacks the hyenas and pins them to the ground. He threatens that they will never come near his son again. The hyenas run off scared and Zazu then lands near Mufasa and looks proudly at his king. Mufasa just glares at Zazu and then Simba tries to explain but Mufasa interrupts and says that they are going home.
As they leave the elephant graveyard, Scar stares down at them from the cliff above.
Mufasa leads the group across the savannah at sunset as the cubs slink behind and Zazu flies overhead. Mufasa then tells Zazu to take Nala home because he needs to teach his son a lesson. Zazu wishes Simba good luck before flying off. Mufasa yells at Simba to come over to him and as Simba reaches his father, he steps in Mufasa’s large footprint and realizes how small his paws are compared to Mufasa’s. Mufasa tells Simba that he is very disappointed. Simba protests that he was just trying to be brave like Mufasa and Mufasa explains that he is only brave when he needs to be and that being brave does not mean going out to look for trouble. Simba thinks that Mufasa is not afraid of anything but Mufasa admits that he was very afraid that day. Simba realizes that even kings get scared and the pair joke that the hyenas were even more scared! Father and son playfully chase each other around and then Simba comments that they will always be together. Mufasa grows serious again and explains that he wants to tell Simba something that his father told him. He says that the stars are the great kings of the past looking down on them and someday, Mufasa will be among them.
Back in the elephant graveyard, the hyenas are complaining about Mufasa and that they are dangling at the bottom of the food chain and because of the lions, the hyenas are not running place. Scar appears overhead and says that surely lions are not all bad. The hyenas comment that he is only Scar and not someone important with power like Mufasa; Scar is practically one of them. They then ask if Scar brought them anything to eat and he has, but he does not think that they deserve any food since he practically giftwrapped the cubs for them and the cubs still got away. But he still gives the hyenas the food and they say that in their defense it was because of Mufasa that the cubs got away Benzai asks what Scar wants them to do, kill Mufasa? Scar replies “precisely.” He starts to sing “Be Prepared” and talks about how he is going to be the ruler soon and that the hyenas should stick with him. Other hyenas appear and sing along.
In the morning, Simba and Scar are talking in a gorge and Scar says that Mufasa has a marvelous surprise for Simba and that the cub must stay there. Scar leaves Simba under a tree in the middle of the dry gorge and starts to go get Mufasa. As he leaves, he tells Simba to work on his little roar. Up above the canyon on the grassy lands is a herd of wildebeest grazing. The hyenas are nearby and Banzai is complaining that he just wants to eat one. But Shenzi tells him to wait for Scar’s signal. Scar appears on a rock across the grassy lands and that is the signal.
Simba is waiting back at his tree and is growling at a lizard walking by. The pebbles around him start to shake and he notices the wildebeest stampeding down into the gorge. He runs for his life away from the herd.
Mufasa and Zazu are nearby and notice that the wildebeest is moving and Mufasa thinks that is odd. Scar appears in a panic and tells Mufasa that Simba is down there in the stampede!
Simba climbs up a dead branch to try to escape the stampede and Zazu flies down to tell him that Mufasa is on his way as Mufasa and Scar race towards the gorge. Zazu shows Mufasa where Simba is just as Simba gets bumped on the dead branch and is holding on for dear life. Mufasa leaps down into the gorge to save his son. Zazu is about to fly off for more help so Scar knocks him out. Mufasa reaches Simba and grabs him in the air as Simba goes flying off of the branch. He is able to get Simba to safety before slipping back into the stampede. Suddenly Mufasa leaps out of the stampede and claws his way up the side of the rocks. Scar is right there and Mufasa asks his brother for help. So Scar grabs Mufasa’s paws but then tosses him right back into the stampede! Simba sees his dad fall and screams! After the wildebeest pass, Simba climbs down into the gorge and looks for his dad. He finds Mufasa and thinks that he is sleeping; Simba does not realize that his father died in the trample. He tries to wake him up but cannot so starts to scream for help. Simba then curls up with Mufasa’s body as Scar appears out of the dust. He asks Simba what he has done and Simba says that it was an accident; his father had tried to save him from the wildebeest. Scar pretends to comfort Simba but then points out that the king is dead because of him. He tells Simba that the best thing for him to do is to run away and never return. And so Simba does. The hyenas are nearby and Scar tells them to kill Simba.
The hyenas chase after Simba and the cub barely makes it out of the gorge, but he does and the chase continues. Simba then leaps off of a cliff and goes flying in to a field of thorns. The hyenas all stop before they go flying in to the thorns as well, but Banzai gets pushed in by the others. He comes out of the thorns completely covered in them and so no one wants to go in there to catch Simba. They see Simba running off into the sunset and decide that he is as good as dead out there. And if he ever returns, they will kill him.
That night, Scar announces to the pride that Mufasa and Simba are dead. He says that this is the start of a new era where lions and hyenas live together. As he is speaking, the hyenas infiltrate Pride Rock. Rafiki watches sadly from a distance.
Back in his tree home, Rafiki sadly smudges his Simba painting.
The next morning, Simba is passed out in the desert. There are vultures circling around when Pumbaa and Timon coming running and scare them off. Pumbaa goes over to Simba and tells Timon that he is still alive. Timon is scared of the lion and hops on Pumbaa and tells the warthog to run off, but Pumbaa thinks that the cub is so cute and wants to keep him. Pumbaa suggests that if they keep the cub, when he grows up he will be on their side. Timon disagrees but then says the exact same thing and thinks it is a great idea! Pumbaa picks up Simba and they take off.
They stop at a nearby oasis and wake up Simba with some water. Simba starts to walk off and Timon thinks that he looks very blue. Pumbaa thinks that the cub looks more brownish-gold and Timon has to explain that he meant that Simba looks depressed. The pair catch up with Simba and ask where he is from. Simba says that it does not matter because he is an outcast as he did something terrible and can never go back. Timon and Pumbaa tell Simba that they are outcasts as well and ask if there is anything they can do. Simba denies their offer, unless they can change the past. Pumbaa says that Simba must put his behind in the past! Timon corrects Pumbaa in that the saying is to put his past behind him.
Timon tells Simba that he needs a new lesson and gets him to repeat Hakuna Matata after him. This begins them singing “Hakuna Matata.” Timon and Pumbaa explain that it means no worries and is their way of life. There is a montage of Simba growing up as he lives with Timon and Pumbaa. They teach him to eat grub as food instead of hunting. And at the end of the song, Simba is all grown up.
Back at Pride Rock, which is very dark and gloomy, Zazu is stuck in a cage near Scar and is singing “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen.” Scar then asks Zazu to sing something more bouncy and so Zazu starts to sing “It’s a Small World.” Scar tells Zazu anything but that! So Zazu sings “I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts.” Scar sings along and Zazu comments that he never had to do this with Mufasa. Scar gets very angry at the mention of Mufasa and says that it is the law to never to say the name Mufasa in his presence.
The hyenas then come by and complain that there is no food or water around. Scar says that it is the lionesses’ job to do the hunting but the hyenas say that the lionesses are not finding anything. Scar then suggests that they eat Zazu and the hornbill pleads for his life. Banzai comments that they thought things would be better than when Mufasa was in charge and Scar again gets very angry at Mufasa’s name. He yells at the hyenas to get out.
Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa are living their happy, no worries life. They are staring at the stars and wondering what they could be. Timon thinks that they are fireflies stuck up in that big bluish-black thing. But Pumbaa thinks that they are great balls of gas burning millions of miles away. Simba then tells them that somebody once told him that the great kings of the past are up there watching them. Timon and Pumbaa laugh and laugh at that. Simba agrees that it is pretty dumb but it still makes him sad. He gets up and leaves to be by himself. Simba flops down and sighs as the dust and leaves that he disturbed float away.
The dust and leaves are blown to Rafiki’s home and Rafiki now knows that Simba is still alive somewhere. He is very happy and paints a mane on the smudged painting of Simba and says that it is time.
In the day, Timon and Pumbaa are singing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” Pumbaa wanders off after a beetle but then Nala appears stalking him. She chases Pumbaa and he runs for his life. Timon sees Pumbaa freaking out and goes to see what is happening. The warthog gets stuck under a tree root and Timon tries to push him through as Nala gets close. Simba then jumps in right in time to fight Nala off, not realizing who she is. The two lions fight until Nala pins him and Simba recognizes her, but he still needs to introduce himself because Nala does not recognize him. Timon demands an explanation but Pumbaa is very cordial to Nala. Nala cannot wait to tell everyone that Simba is alive but Simba does not want anyone to know. Nala is confused because Simba is the rightful king. Timon and Pumbaa are very surprised that Simba is a king but Simba does not want to accept that he is. Nala asks Timon and Pumbaa for a few minutes alone with Simba to talk but Timon is not impressed. He whines about it as he takes off with Pumbaa.
Nala is very disappointed in Simba. She tells him that it is like he is back from the dead and that means so much to her as it will to the others as well. The pair admit that they have really missed each other and they wander off together. Timon starts to sing about how terrible it will be when they fall in love and that turns into the song “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” Throughout the song, Nala and Simba sing to themselves about how much they are falling love with each other. They walk around waterfalls together and play and chase each other. The song ends with Timon and Pumbaa crying because they think they have lost their buddy.
Simba and Nala stroll during the sunset. Nala questions Simba about why he never came back to Pride Rock because they have really needed him. Simba still does not believe that and Nala explains how awful it is with Scar in charge including how he let the hyenas in. But Simba just says that is Hakuna Matata, sometimes bad things happen and there is nothing that anyone can do. Nala does not believe that. She points out that she did something, she left to find help and she found him! And Simba is not the lion she remembers. They argue some more and Simba takes off.
Simba paces under the stars and frets that he cannot change the past. He then starts to yell at the stars that his father said he would always be there for him! But he still thinks his father’s death is his fault.
Simba hears Rafiki singing in a nearby tree. Simba is annoyed and so he walks away and Rafiki follows. Simba looks down at his reflection in the water and Rafiki throws stones in the water to get his attention. Simba asks Rafiki to cut it out but Rafiki says no. Simba asks who he is and Rafiki says that the question is “who are you?” Simba says that he does not know, though he did but now is not sure. Rafiki says that he knows who Simba is but then just sings his song again. Simba tells Rafiki that he is confused, but Rafiki disagrees because he knows that Simba is Mufasa’s boy. Rafiki takes off and Simba chases him. When Simba catches up, he wants to confirm that Rafiki knew his father and Rafiki corrects Simba in that he knows his father. Simba says that his father is dead and Rafiki disagrees again. Rafiki says that Mufasa is alive and he will show Mufasa to Simba. Simba follows Rafiki through a mess of tree roots and vines.
They come to some water and Rafiki tells Simba to look down. Simba says that is not his father, just his own reflection. Rafiki tells Simba to look harder and Simba stares again and his reflection turns into Mufasa. Rafiki points out that Mufasa lives in Simba. Mufasa then appears in the clouds and tells his son that Simba has “forgotten who I am because you have forgotten who you are.” He wants Simba to take place in the circle of life. Mufasa disappears through the clouds.
Simba realizes that he must face his past but he is scared and begins to doubt that it matters. Rafiki smacks Simba on the head. Simba asks what that was for and Rafiki makes his point by saying that it does not matter because it is in the past. The past can hurt and he can either learn from it or run from it. Rafiki goes to smack Simba again but Simba ducks and Rafiki points out that he has learnt. Then Simba takes off to head back home! Rafiki shouts and cheers as the lion runs.
Timon and Pumbaa are sleeping and Nala wakes them up to ask where Simba is. Neither of them know but then Rafiki appears and says that the king has returned. Rafiki disappears as quickly as he got there. Nala is very excited and has to explain to a confused Timon and Pumbaa that Simba is returning back to challenge his uncle Scar to take his place as king.
Simba races across the desert and the savannah to Pride Rock. Everything around is dead and dark. Nala catches up and asks what changed his mind. Simba replies that he had some sense knocked into him. And that this is his kingdom and he is going to fight for it. Nala says that she will fight with him and Timon and Pumbaa arrive to help as well. They think that Simba’s home is a bit of a fixer upper but they are with Simba to the end if that is what is important to him.
They sneak up closer to Pride Rock and there are hyenas everywhere. Timon asks what the plan for getting past them and Simba answers that that they are going to use live bait. Timon sarcastically asks if he should dress in drag and do the hula and the next scene shows Timon dressed in drag doing the hula. The distraction works and the hyenas chase after Timon and Pumbaa.
Nala goes off to find Sarabi and gather the lionesses. Simba goes to look for Scar. He sees his uncle on top of Pride Rock as Scar calls for Sarabi. He yells at her and blames her for the lack of food. She tries to explain that the herds have all moved on and there is no food. Scar thinks that they are just not looking hard enough and Sarabi tells him that their only choice is to leave Pride Rock. Scar will not let anyone leave and Sarabi tells him that then he is sentencing them to death. Scar will not change his mind because he thinks he is king! Sarabi tells him that he is not half the king Mufasa was. Scar becomes very angry and attacks Sarabi. Lightning then strikes and reveals Simba in the shadows. Both Scar and Sarabi think that he is Mufasa. Simba comes close and checks to make sure his mom is ok and she realizes he is her son.
Scar is very surprised to see Simba alive and he glares and the hyenas because they were supposed to kill him. Simba tells Scar to step down as king but Scar will not with the excuse that they hyenas think that he is king. Nala appears with the lionesses and says that they do not think Scar is king. Scar tries to shake Simba up by mentioning the death of Mufasa but Simba will not let it bother him. Scar then threatens to tell the lionesses that he is the one responsible for Mufasa’s death but Simba admits it to them first. Scar starts to call him murderer and backs Simba up to a cliff as lightning strikes below and sets the ground on fire. Simba is hanging on the cliff for dear life and Scar is above. He says that this looks familiar and then tells his secret that he was the one who killed Mufasa. This makes Simba leap up and pin Scar. He chokes Scar into telling the truth. Scar admits to everyone that he was the one who killed Mufasa. The hyenas then attack Simba and the lionesses join in and fight back. Timon and Pumbaa fight as well and then Rafiki appears and joins in.
Timon runs into Zazu’s cage and they are cornered by the hyenas. Pumbaa appears and charges at the hyenas. He breaks open the cage and Timon and Zazu run out.
Scar tries to run from the fight but Simba sees him and chases after him. Simba corners Scar at the edge of the rock and Scar tries to blame the hyenas for everything and pleads that Simba won’t kill family. Simba agrees that he is not like Scar and tells Scar to run away and never return. Scar agrees and walks past Simba but then throws coals in his face. They fight again and Scar ends up getting thrown off the cliff. He is alive but the hyenas appear and are not happy that Scar blamed them as the enemy. They all attack Scar.
Pride Rock is on fire but the rain comes and puts it out. Simba climbs down and everyone bows to him. Sarabi and Nala nuzzle him. Rafiki then points to the overlook of Pride Rock and Simba climbs up. He gives Rafiki a hug on the way up. Mufasa then whispers “remember” through the clouds. Simba roars and all of the lions roar back.
In the next scene, Pride Rock and the surrounding area is all lush. The animals of the savannah have gathered and are all cheering and bowing to Simba, Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa on top of the rock. Rafiki appears and presents the new cub.
The end credits play to Elton John’s “Can You Feel the Love Tonight.”
- There have been two Lion King spin-off TV shows. The Lion King’s Timon and Pumbaa aired from 1995 to 1999 and The Lion Guard premiered in November of 2015 with the made-for-TV movie The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar.
- “The Morning Report” was a deleted song from the original film but made it back into the film for the 2003 DVD releases as well as it is in the Broadway musical.
- Frank Welker provided all of the lions’ roars.
- The Lion King on Broadway has been running since 1997 and is the third longest-running Broadway show (after The Phantom of the Opera and Chicago).
- The Lion King is the only Disney film to be dubbed in Zulu.
- The wildebeest stampede scene took the CGI department 3 years to animate.
- Many of the names of the characters are words in Swahili.
- Simba means Lion
Sarabi means Mirage
Nala means Gift
Rafiki means Friend
Pumbaa means Foolish
Shenzi means Savage
Banzai means Skulk
- Simba means Lion
- The original title was going to be King of the Jungle. It was changed when the production team realized that lions do not live in the jungle.
- One of the trailers used was the entire opening sequence of the “Circle of Life” because Disney thought that scene was so powerful. This was the first time a scene from a film was used as the trailer.
- Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella auditioned together but for the part of the hyenas. They were so goofy in their audition that they were called back to try out for Timon and Pumbaa instead.
- It has been debated for many years if Rafiki is a baboon or a mandrill. Animators actually used features from both animals to create Rafiki. He has the colourful face of a mandrill but the tail of a baboon.
Representation in the Disney Parks:
The Lion King is part of Fantasmic! at Disneyland and Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The Festival of the Lion King is a very popular acrobatic musical show at both Disney’s Animal Kingdom and Hong Kong Disneyland.
Disney’s Animal Kingdom is home to Rafiki’s Planet watch, a conversation area where guests can also meet Rafiki. Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge has many touches from The Lion King and The Lion King is also one of the four themed areas of Disney’s Art of Animation Resort.
At Tokyo Disneyland, there is a section of the Jungle Cruise that features songs and themes from The Lion King.
At Disneyland Paris, there is a quick service restaurant called Restaurant Hakuna Matata.
There is a water play area at the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel called Hakuna Matata Oasis.
Check out the other films of Disney’s Renaissance:
Lion King is great! My favorite movie is the second one though